LC letters here are simply stencil variants of the numbers and letters.
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I trying to make this font look like somebody drew it on paper...
A script designed for the conlang of 'Ȑiþȑa̷în'.
The language of Ȑiþȑa̷înwas created at Farnad by a joint effort of Harlastes and Rakiana specifically for the use of the new ‘nation’ taking form from surviving Hyntellar, Aignar and Oumda peoples, who were later collectively known as the Ȑa̷inðâl (Ȑiþȑa̷în: ‘the agency of the world’). As a language, it was designed principally for morphemic elegance and semantic density while using the aesthetic phonemic preferences of its creators and intended speakers, perhaps inspired by the logico-mathematical concept of ‘elegance’ taught at Cynkyallat (Khalaris), Tain and Icoras. As a result, the range of consonants and vowels is relatively small, while also being highly inflected; making extensive use of suprafixes – where the first vowel-sound of a word is modified to change its grammatical function – and limited use of more standard suffix-inflection. In particular, the semantic density of Ȑiþȑa̷în made it ideal for transcription onto valuable or rare writing media as well as possessing a high level of concision in spoken form. Its most celebrated features were used in philosophy, where widespread suprafixing meant that singular concepts tended to retain their essential form regardless of grammatical function and in debate where complex ideas could be put over remarkably quickly. However, its suprafixional grammar also required excellent diction and enunciation from its speakers, precipitating a rather unique oral culture.
‘Ȑiþȑa̷în’is a compound word from the phrase ȑīþ ȑa̷în, which literally means ‘the speech of agency’ or ‘agency’s speech’ – relating to the important concept of ‘civilisation’ or ‘the agency of a people’ in the culture of Farnad. Ithas five cases, five persons, five tense-aspects, and two numbers in its inflectional system, while gender and, when necessary, mood, are conveyed lexically and through word order.
This is a cloneThis font is for the sporty one of my nephews.
This is a clone of In A Hurry