Sengbar Sans Basic Custom VGA-style (36px) is a customed basic pixel sans-serif which blends the original Cadmus Legible Unicode (48px) and Sengbar Delta Compressed Pixel (my compressed bitmap pixel counterpart) together, but much like both Cadmus Legible Unicode and Sengbar Cadmus Print Pixel, each of these assigned glyphs (e.g.: I, l, 1, O, 0, b, d, p, q) has distinguishable letter forms, some glyphs may include serifs, a zero-stroke, and its tails/end strokes (in the UK, they call this "exit strokes"), pretty much like what Inclusive Sans and/or Atkinson Hyperlegible has. This font is in the style of the VGA, and is also useful for AWTL/AOSTL and OSMK usage.
This font is also designed for accessibility, legibility, and readability, rendering this font "more accessible" and "perfectly distinctive" unlike its competitors Gill Sans MT, Arial, Helvetica and Segoe UI (although this font is its default, it can almost be legible).
(August 17 2024 update: This should be useful for all operating system mockups/AOSTL-Alternate Operating System Timeline uses. Each font can be created and cloned under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license and must render it for non-commercial usage.)
Just a set of semaphore flag poses for fun (as seen from receiver's side). I have seen one here, just thought I could make my own version.
C or 3 - Acknowledge / Correct
E or 5 - Error (if signaled 8 times)
J - Letters to follow
# - Numerals
repeated switch U/N - Error / Attention
Cancel is located on & glyph for lack of tools for finding right unicode 0018
Same as its parent but with minimal slant (so the "joints" did not need adjustment).
This is a clone of 7-Segment [P] invertedBASIC BUT FUN! Not revolutionary, but a hefty font! It's square but cool! On the letters there is always a side bolder than the other (most likely the left one)! What is your favorite character? Mine is the capital "S"! So much style... Would you like me to make it more rond and less square? Tell me if you have any idea about changes!
Still not being worked on. Making a revamp, which will be private, until finished.
Don’t feel like people knowing it anymore.
Here's my attempt on recreating the letters as an interpretation based on Erberto Carboni's RAI design since 1954 with more glyphs.
V1.0 - the first version of the font that supports basic and more latin with the alternate letters.
The font I'm making will gradually have more and more characters, even PUA's for unencoded ones!
Plans for future updates:
- Expanding the font to include more Latin characters
- Adding some non-Latin alphabets like Greek and Cyrillic
- Adding sitelen pona and Shidinn
Slightly shortened clone of the Tall Blocky font.
This is a clone of Tall [P] BlockyBasic 7-segment slanted font enhanced with 3 extra segments to fill whole alphabet. Quasi-monospaced, characters width is constant, separators have own width.
This is a clone of 7-seg Digi Itavan nelle
ゔぁん ねるるえ
ван нэллэ