This is the first Font I've built here on Fontstruct, I'm not a graphic designer but I think it turned out pretty cool. As you can see, it's a San Serif font with 60° strakes to the right. What do y'all think? Also, if I accidentally copied another person's Fontstruction, please let me know.
This was meant to create a seamlessly striped background carrying letters, but user input and standard text on font's home page show quite a distance between lines; in fontructor preview letter-blocks sit seamlessly on top of each other to create interesting high rise blocks-of-letters.
Start text with 1 "space"!
As I like the glyphs' shapes of midi-trente etc I let myself be inspired by fonts in FS 'op art' set to get an additional style for the "midi" series.
This is a cloneThin (multi-) stroked art deco type design.
The name derived from the fact that it is a thin stroked art deco design with little to no fancy decorative features, other than its multi-line segments. Hence the name "ART ECO"
The fontstruct preview making some diagonal strokes look slightly thicker than the horizontal and vertical ones due to it's behaviour on brick stacking. Which isn't in the TTF font itself.
Uppercase characters only
Another tribute to the great Dutch graphical designer/pioneer "Jurriaan Schrofer".
This time I didn't do a straight foreward recap of a specific work from the great man, but rather had myself inspired by a number of his sketches and combined those ideas all into this type! (Nonetheless ofcourse still heavily inspired by..)
Here are a few of the original works I drawn inspiration from:
Initially made for NW & SW European members' languages this typeface has grown over time to include glyphs for most European languages. My friend Ray will be happy to see Welsh and my friend Johneen can write in Maori :)
Thanks to TCWhite I've found the 2E2E point to place my favourite punctuation/symbol correctly.
I've sent this to be rewiewed for Google Fonts. Having done so I'm stuck, I don't know how to proceed there: how can I get people to look at it, comment?!
This is a clone of MasterClass 1One of those strange designs that sit in my note pad for ages and suddenly decides to become useful :)
Artsy kind of font. The name comes from: 1 thick line, 2 thin ones, another thick one, and letters are all lower case. One of these days I'll add Czech and Polish. There were a few challenges regarding heights but I think the balance is fine now and the glyphs legible.