I set out to make a tall font, but halfway through it I kind of felt I didn't aim high enough (pun intended). I still wanted to finish what I had started, rahter than erasing it all and start over. After all, it still looks pretty cool.
I trying to make this font look like somebody drew it on paper...
I'm back...
11x19 font
I spent a lot of time making this font, it is based On the premise that too many fonts are way to ambiguous, so this is a fix for that, also I have added a copyright symbol, I replaced the vertical bar with the copyright symbol, because as far as I know the vertical bar symbol is rarely if ever used...( I have not seen it used in allmost anything I have viewed or read in all my life, except that it is there in the font character listing, so why is it there? certainly a copyright symbol would be more useful don't you think?) as for the "blockiness" of the C in the copyright symbol, keep in mind, that it is designed to have a maximum width of 9 pixels, so for what it is I think it is good, basically you cant get a smaller bitmaped based copyright symbol where it is as crisp and where the c is not pointed like a less than symbol and the c is not "touching" the circle it is in which would make it harder to read... so if you do see fit to use it I hope you are happy with it...