Same as its parent but with minimal slant (so the "joints" did not need adjustment).
This is a clone of 7-Segment [P] invertedBasic 7-segment slanted font enhanced with 3 extra segments to fill whole alphabet. Quasi-monospaced, characters width is constant, separators have own width.
This is a clone of 7-seg Digi ItaStarted to work frustration with window fitters off my chest. Finished after a year of ignoring it, with a deep sigh and a cup of Lapsang... I wish the windows were as interesting-looking as this font.
I know the kerning is waiting, it'll be done sometime in the future when my eyes have recovered from the weird "Op-Art" effect.
I just wanted to know if you find this unusual enough to be classed as one of mine :)))
A painstaking recreation of the font found in the notes of FAITH: The Unholy Trinity, one of my personal favorite games. Each letter, number, and most of the symbols were copied precisely from the notes, though I had to improvise on &+#@_<=>\^`{|}~
This one feels like it's been a long time coming. Surprised it only took me two and a half months to get all done, and half of that was it being on the backburner. A good, solid font with a futuristic slant to it. All Latin languages present and correct, as ever.
Fancy Pantaloons is a typeface for when you are feeling a bit silly and pretentious without wanting to be too over-the-top. This typeface reminds me of old lettering on signs from the early 1900's. A combination of Victorian, Art Deco, Art Nouveau, and a bit of Techno.
One of those strange designs that sit in my note pad for ages and suddenly decides to become useful :)
I wanted to try some 'deformation' of the perspective used for italic glyphs. It was fun to try, the font looks amusing and the slants are irreverent enough. I know that a word processor could change Raysan into an italic style but a word processed Raysan would be too predictable and without creative spark.
Despite the purposeful changing of lines specially the curved sections which don't follow any "perspective rule" this font looks italic. It has a pleasant rythm in longer headlines etc, and gives eye catching 'splash' text when used with the parent font.
It took quite a while to finish, I constantly fought the wish to make composites and stacks to get the correct shape and directions into the curves.
This is a clone of Raysan