Based on a RWA typewriter.
RWA means:
Its my try on a smooth monospaced font.
Basic 5x5 font.
hooray its got 20+ downloads
This font is licensed under OFL.
This is a font containing every Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic letter I could find.
I did this font of my Windows laptop, so some letters may look similar to the default WIndows font.
GlyphLandyn/Lilly is a sans-serif, pixel optimized with monospace Latin, Greek and Cyrillic letters and PUA (Private Use Area) characters. The  Object Replacement Character is a full square.
This font also includes Thai characters and Linear B Syllabary.
This font is edited with Fontstruct.
A monospace font ideal for programming.
What if GS Unicode wasn't just made of pixels? What if it had a better, more appealing width/height ratio? What if it utilized the new FS inventory? And what if I wasn't way too ambitious/crazy in making this? No idea, but I'm eager to find out!
I've split this font series up by plane since font files have a technical limit of 65,535 glyphs.
Things that are planned but not (fully) implemented yet are italicized.
This font (Plane 0) should also serve as the hub for most major updates (like those relating to the series as a whole).
Links to planes:
Plane 0: [THIS FONT]
Plane 1: here
Plane 2
Plane 3
(No Unicode characters exist in Planes 4 through D as of U15.0)
Plane E: here
Plane F: here
Plane 10: here
PUA assignments:
E000~E07F - Tengwar
E080~E0FF - Cirth
E100~E14F - Engsvanyali [Engsvanyáli]
E150~E1AF - Kinya
E1B0~E1CF - Ilianore
E1D0~E1FF - Syai
E200~E26F - Verdurian
E270~E28F - aUI
E290~E2BF - Amman-Iar
E2C0~E2CF - Streich
E2D0~E2FF - Xaini [Xaîni]
E300~E33F - Mizarian
E340~E35F - Zirinka [Zírí:nka]
E360~E37F - Sarkai
E380~E3AF - Thelwik
E3B0~E3FF - Olaetyan
E400~E42F - Niskloz [Nísklôz]
E430~E44F - Kazat Akkorou [Kazat ?Akkorou]
E450~E46F - Kazvarad
E470~E48F - Zarkhand [Zarkhánd]
E490~E4BF - Rozhxh [Røzhxh]
E4C0~E4EF - Serivelna
E4F0~E4FF - Kelwathi
E500~E51F - Saklor
E520~E54F - Rynnan
E550~E57F - Alzetjan
E580~E59F - Telarasso
E5A0~E5BF - Ssuraki [Ssûraki]
E5C0~E5DF - Gargoyle
E5E0~E5FF - Ophidian
E600~E62F - Ferengi
E630~E64F - Seussian Latin Extensions
E650~E67F - Sylabica
E680~E6CF - Ewellic
E6D0~E6EF - Amlin
E6F0~E73F - Unifon Extended-1
E740~E76F - Unifon
E770~E77F - Solresol
E780~E7FF - Visible Speech
E800~E82F - Monofon
E830~E88F - Dni [D'ni]
E890~E8DF - Aurebesh
E8E0~E8FF - Tonal
E900~E97F - Glaitha-A
E980~E9FF - Glaitha-B
EA00~EA9F - Lhenazi
EAA0~EAFF - Wanya
EB00~EB3F - Orokin
EB40~EB5F - Standard Galactic
EB60~EB9F - Braille Extended-1
EBA0~EBDF - Cistercian Numerals
EBE0~EBEF - Lapointe Hexadecimal Numerals
EBF0~EBFF - Martin Hexadecimal Numerals
EC00~EC2F - Cylenian
EC30~EC6F - Syrrin
EC70~ECEF - Graflect
ECF0~ECFF - Whitaker Hexadecimal Numerals
ED00~ED3F - Deini
ED40~ED7F - Niji
ED80~EDAF - Iranic
EDB0~EDDF - Tassarunese
EDE0~EDEF - Zese
EDF0~EDFF - Grawlixes
EE00~EEFF - <unassigned>
EF80~F2FF - Latin Extended-1
F300~F3FF - Combining Diacritical Marks Extended-1
F400~F4BF - Symbols and Punctuation Extended-1
F4C0~F4EF - Ath
F4F0~F4FF - Number Forms Extended-1
F500~F5FF - Greek Extended-1
F600~F6FF - Cyrillic Extended-1
F700~F71F - Hebrew Extended-1
F720~F7BF - <unassigned>
F7C0~F7FF - Kana Extended-1
F800~F87F - Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows Extended-1
F880~F89F - Font Specifics
F8A0~F8CF - Aiha [Aiha (Kesh)]
F8D0~F8FF - Klingon
Additional PUA assignments can be found in the Plane F and 10 fonts.
Feel free to recommend PUA assignments!
Also, it's more than likely I won't know every script well enough that there won't be any mistakes. If/when I make a mistake, please tell me and I'll do my best to fix it!
This was a tiny bitmap font for a game.
Then I added a bunch of glyphs to support most European languages: Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Czech, Polish, Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, etc.
Then, inspired by a recent trip to Georgia, I added Mkhedruli characters just for fun (never really saw a pixelated Georgian font before, so I figured, why not).
And so now this exists.
Also, check out Eneminds Bold for the bold version of this font.
This is a clone of Eneminds BoldHere is an extended version of my Atemayar Rigid Script. This script has taken me years to get to the point where it is. It is incomplete however I figured I would release it with the current list of characters that I have created. While I plan to complete it, it will be some time before this is achieved so please bear with me as life tends to get in the way sometimes.
I began this font August 31, 2017, and I'm releasing it 30 days short of its 2 year anniversary.
Based off the original alphabet of Atemayar Qelisayér featured on Omniglot created by Simon Halfdan Hvilshøj Andersen. Credit for all the original characters of this alphabet goes to him, as well as credit for inspiration. Some characters in this alphabet are wholly original to this font (most are not however), these are inspired wholly by the original Atemayar alphabet in one way or another.
I truly and sincerely hope you enjoy, this font is made for all to enjoy and to spread such a beautiful alphabet to be used for all languages and all writing systems. I love Atemayar more than any existing writing system, I take all my notes in it, and I wish that Simon Halfdan Hvilshøj Andersen's alphabet will be spread around the world and used by many.
The alphabets can be categorized into groups based on the following criteria:
- Pseudo-Atemayar: shares no letters with Atemayar, but appears similar
- Semi-Pseudo-Atemayar: shares a few characters with Atemayar, but overall still looks like its base alphabet and can't be read by Atemayar users
- Modified Atemayar: Follows all/most of the same letters as Atemayar, however has added or modified letters as well
- Classic Atemayar: Original Atemayar alphabet without change
The alphabets' classifications are as follows:
Basic Latin: Classic (except X, which is a ligature of K and S)
Punctuation (all except . , : ; ? ! ... " '): Modified
More Latin: Modified
Extended Latin B: Modified
Extended Latin A: Modified
Greek & Coptic: Modified
Cyrillic: Modified
Arabic: Modified (reversed letters)
Devanagari: Modified (line above letters)
Georgian: Semi-Pseudo
Armenian: Semi-Pseudo
Katakana: Modified
Hebrew: Modified (reversed letters) ***Incomplete***
Hangul: Pseudo ***Incomplete***
Bopomofo: Modified (dots above letters, ligatures)
Thai: Pseudo ***Incomplete***
GS Unicode is a project I worked on over the course of several years so (almost) all languages get support! With 14,564 non-spacing characters, this font is finished (as of Unicode 13.0, and as of FS's pre-July 2021 glyph inventory). Please tell me if some of the characters aren't working. I'll try to fix them as best as I can!
This font will no longer be updated except in the case of fixing errors. I'm now working on GS Unicode 2.0, a non-pixelated(!) font that uses FS's current (all of Unicode!) glyph inventory, and is set to take much, much longer.... I'll see y'all on the other side~
This was a tiny bitmap font for a game.
Then I added a bunch of glyphs to support most European languages: Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Czech, Polish, Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, etc.
Then, inspired by a recent trip to Georgia, I added Mkhedruli characters just for fun (never really saw a pixelated Georgian font before, so I figured, why not).
And so now this exists.
Also, check out Eneminds Thin for the non-bold version of this font.
Listening to cricket matches I saw a lot of trajectories in my mind when commentators discussed the balls' flight paths and where they landed, of some incredible bowling.
What a great inspiration for my first entry for the ReverseComp.
Maximum rectangle size is 16x20. The LC contains the flipped reversed UC.
I see many white-in-black designs coming in, I'm adding to them as we don't see this type very often ;)
I think that I managed to give the "impression" of those occasional graphics displayed in cricket, football, tennis and other ball-based sports (it might be hawk-eye linked) that show where balls have originated from or to predict/illustrate their continuation.
A blank space is on the underscore, a filled space on the space bar.
Numerals and very basic punctuation are done :)
WebFont is SIL Open Font License freeware (version 1.0). If you like it for a website, you can use it as a web font. You can clone it, download it, whatever. Hopefully, if you use it as a web font, you will add a link to my site, Font-Journal (, in the credits of your website or blog (professional sites & blogs give credit for the resources used that aren't theirs), if you use it or distribute it, but that is not required.
You can edit, modify, append or do whatever you need to do with this font, including using it commercially or in creating your own art/graphic works, even a new version of the font as long as all further redistributed derivatives use a new reserved font name and remain under the same "SIL Open Font License".
This is a freeware font, it should never be sold, unless it is included as bonus freeware part of a paid collection. WebFont is FREE.
Supports a large latin character set (lots of latin), with extras like the Copyright, Trademark, Tel: symbols, currency signs and an assortment of little Dingbats. I try to use Dingbats for the UI when I design websites, so I included a few without weighing the font down too much, it still loads quickly. Loading a vector based font for UI stuff is a lot easier and quicker than loading graphic files.
Any questions, character requests? Go ahead and ask!
If you see anything that needs to be addressed, be sure to shout out at me, I'll see if I can fix stuff. - Doug Peters, Symbiotic Design
https://Dougs.Work - - https://Salamander.US - -