Fontstructing since | 7th September, 2020 |
Fontstructions | 54 shared, 1 staff pick |
Shared Glyphs | 59906 |
Downloads | 1770 downloads made of this designer’s work |
Comments Made | 304 |
torra: Minecraftian for: hard, sturdy, solid
A font that will not fall down for the forseeable future. Not particularly readable. Made for the HeavyComp. For Minecraftian letters i e a o p t k f s h m n l r ts ks, use: " | - = [ n ] < ^ > r 7 l j v u.
A new version of Heavy Weapons, inspired by Russion constructivism and the Heavy class from Team Fortress 2 (hence the name).
A monospace font ideal for programming.
Inspired by LaYinHanGil, a font that allows you to type Minecraftian syllables on a regular keyboard. Use c and x for ts and ks. Use capital letters (PTKFSHMNLRXC) for syllable-final consonants after a and o.