1-Type the uppercase vowels A I U E É O to get the independent vowels
2-Type ğ, ŋ, ŕ to get the digraph gh, ng, rr
3-To get a digraph, type consonant before and add a uppercase H
4- The follwing consonants who dosent work with the H is
r g k x v w n
5- The following lyrics does not exist in that script is
f z
6- the lowercase vowels a i u e é o is a vowel diacritics
1:zh 2:: 3:ee 4:sh 5:th 6:ue 7:; 8:ie 9:ooe -:oo ^:ah
q:ng w:w e:e r:r t:t y:y u:u i:i o:o p:p @:ae [:aw
a:a s:s d:d f:f g:g h:h j:j k:k l:l ;:oe ::oy ]:ow
z:z x:dh c:ch v:v b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:! _:-
!:ZH “:" #:EE $:SH %:TH &:UE ‘:' (:IE ):OOE =:OO ~:AH
Q:NG W:W E:E R:R T:T Y:Y U:U I:I O:O P:P `:AE {:AW
A:A S:S D:D F:F G:G H:H J:J K:K L:L +:OE *:OY }:OW
Z:Z X:DH C:CH V:V B:B N:N M:M <:( >:) ?:?
This is an abugida for my conlang Tanume. The vowel marks don't display correctly in the preview but they go above the consonant letters. The writing system can go in any direction, as long as the open side of the square is facing the correct direction. The characters with angle brackets are numbers.
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:-ā
q:q w:w e:-ī r:r t:t y:y u:-u i:-i o:-ū p:ʾ @:a [:th
a:-a s:s d:d f:f g:gh h:h j:j k:k l:l ;:; ::: ]:dh
z:z x:sh c:kh v:ʿ b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:/ _:ḥ
!:! “:" ‘:' (:( ):)
W:ū E:-e R:o T:ṭ Y:ī U:u I:i O:-o P:p
A:ā S:ṣ D:ḍ G:g J:e L:ɫ
Z:ẓ C:ch V:v ?:?
A font of a language for my worldbuilding project. Not intended to be legible without learning it. Feel free to use it for stuff as long as you credit me, and I'd love for you let me know @conduit_of_the_frogg on instagram.
This is a cloneThai-ResPriv is an alternative way to write Thai designed by Jay and Pailin Strong. The name combines Res from respect and Priv from privacy, and this script is designed for privacy.
Learn more about Thai-ResPriv on Omniglot here:
1:zh 2:: 3:ee 4:sh 5:th 6:ue 7:; 8:ie 9:ooe -:oo ^:ah
q:ng w:w e:e r:r t:t y:y u:u i:i o:o p:p @:ae [:aw
a:a s:s d:d f:f g:g h:h j:j k:k l:l ;:oe ::oy ]:ow
z:z x:dh c:ch v:v b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:! _:-
!:ZH “:" #:EE $:SH %:TH &:UE ‘:' (:IE ):OOE =:OO ~:AH
Q:NG W:W E:E R:R T:T Y:Y U:U I:I O:O P:P `:AE {:AW
A:A S:S D:D F:F G:G H:H J:J K:K L:L +:OE *:OY }:OW
Z:Z X:DH C:CH V:V B:B N:N M:M <:( >:) ?:?
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:tx
q:ts w:rr e:e r:r t:t y:ll u:u i:i o:o p:p @:ü [:tt
a:a s:s d:d f:f g:g h:h j:j k:k l:l ;:; ::: ]:ñ
z:z x:x c:tz v:dd b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. _:nasal vowel
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):) ~:TX |:NAZAL VOWEL
A:A S:S D:D F:F G:G H:H J:J K:K L:L }:Ñ
Z:Z X:X C:TZ V:DD B:B N:N M:M ?:?
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:aa
q:cu w:u e:-e r:tl t:t y:y u:o- i:-i o:-o p:p @:a [:r
a:-a s:s d:a- f:e- g:i h:j j:i- k:k l:l ;:; ::: (voiced consonant)
z:ts x:x c:tx v:o b:e n:n m:m ,:, .:. _:oo
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):)
E:-ee R:ee Y:ii U:oo- I:-ii O:-oo
A:-aa D:aa- F:ee- J:ii-
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:e
q:qh w:w e:q' r:r t:th y:y u:-u i:-i o:q p:ph @:k' [:e-
a:-a s:s d:t f:p' g:k h:h j:ch k:kh l:l ;:; ::: ]:-e
z:ch' x:sh c:chh v:ll b:p n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:t' _:ñ
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):)
Q:a W:o T:ts U:u- I:i- O:-o
A:a- J:i L:o-
Z:z X:sh' C:tr' V:u ?:?
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:◌́◌
q:j w:w e:-e r:r t:t' y:y u:-u i:-i o:-o p:p @:a [:◌'◌
a:-a s:s d:t f:p' g:k h:h j:ch k:k' l:l ;:; ::: ]:◌◌
z:tz x:x c:ch' v:tz' b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:o _:'
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):)
E:e- Y:e U:u- I:i- O:o-
A:a- J:i
V:u ?:?
1:-üü 2:ü- 3:e- 4:-ee 5:u- 6:-uu 7:-ii 8:i- 9:-ö 0:o- -:'/ʺ ^:a-
q:ɢ w:-ü e:-e r:r t:t y:y/(V-)i u:-u i:-i o:-o p:p @:-aa [:(
a:-a s:s d:d f:f g:g h:kh j:j k:k l:l ;:ö- ::-oo ]:)
z:z x:sh c:ch v:v b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:oo- _:-öö
!:! ":" &:uu (:ii- ):ö =:-
Q:aa- W:ü E:e R:r' T:t' Y:ii U:u I:i O:o P:p' `:aa {:öö
A:a S:ee- D:d' F:ee G:g' H:kh' J:uu- K:k' L:l' *:oo }:öö-
Z:-üü X:üü C:ts V:v' B:b' N:n' M:m' ?:?
1:-ng 2:-iê/ia 3:-ă 4:-e 5:tr 6:-t 7:-u/o 8:th 9:-n 0:-c -:- ^:-ô
q:ng/ngh- w:-â e:-ê r:r t:t- y:-ư u:u/o- i:i/y- o:-o p:-p @:-ơ [:kh
a:-a s:x d:đ f:ph g:g/gh h:h- j:-i/y k:c/k/q- l:l- ;:; ::: ]:nh-
z:d x:s c:ch- v:v b:b n:n- m:m- ,:, .:. /:/ _:-m
!:! ":" #:ă $:e ':' (:( ):) =:ưa/ươ ~:ô |:-ô(-c/ng)
Q:a(-ch/nh) W:â E:ê R:-ê(-ch/nh) Y:ư U:u I:i/y O:o P:p- `:ơ {:ô(-c/ng)
A:a D:ê(-ch/nh) H:ua/uô J:ia/ya/iê K:o(-c/ng) L:-o(-c/ng) +:-ươ *:-uô }:-nh
Z:gi- X:-a(-ch/nh) C:-ch B:◌̀ N:◌̉ M:◌̃ <:◌́ >:़ ?:?
The "Kepom" script is a constructed alphabet invented by James Ong Zhi Siang for his constructed language Argusian. It is an abugida, meaning that vowels are not their own characters but are attached to consonants above and / or below. This is a recreation of it using FontStruct tools, in case someone would want to be able to use or write with it themselves. More information about the Kepom script can be found on Omniglot here.
Pattern script is an alternative writing system for English created by J. 'Mach' Wust.
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:ny
q:ng' w:w e:-e r:r t:t y:y u:-u i:-i o:-o p:p @:a [:e
a:-a s:s d:d f:f g:g h:h j:j k:k l:l ;:; ::: ]:i
z:z x:sh c:ch v:v b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:u _:o
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):) ~:NY
Z:Z X:SH C:CH V:V B:B N:N M:M ?:?
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:ō
q:a w:w e:-e r:e t:ū y:-ī u:-u i:-i o:-o p:p @:o [:(CV/V)-i
a:-a s:ē d:-ē f:-ū g:ī h:h j:i k:k l:l ;:; ::: ]:(CV/V)-e
z:-ā x:ā c:’ v:u b:(CV/V)-u n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:(CV/V)-o _:-ō
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):)
1:-k 2:-y 3:-w 4:-t 5:-tsw 6:-chy 7:t 8:-h 9:-n 0:n -:m ^:accent
q:-yu w:w- e:-e r:r- t:t- y:y- u:-u i:-i o:-o p:p- @:-ya [:-kw
a:-a s:s- d:d- f:e g:g- h:h- j:i k:k- l:o ;:h ::k ]:-ky
z:z- x:a c:-yo v:u b:b- n:n- m:m- ,:, .:. /:r _:accent (Chinese loanword)
!:! ":" &:& ':' (:( ):) =:=/:
W:w E:-we Y:y U:-wu I:-wi O:-wo P:p
A:-wa S:s D:d F:-ye G:g H:(-hw) J:-yi K:(-xi)
Z:z V:(-xu) B:b M:(-m) ?:?
1:zh 2:ch 3:sh 4:(zh/ch/sh/r/z/c/s)-i 6:-i-(V) 7:-u-(V) 8:-ng 9:-n -:-ei ^:-ê
q:q w:w e:-e r:r t:t y:y u:-u i:-i o:-o p:p @:-ao [:-ou
a:-a s:s d:d f:f g:g h:h j:j k:k l:l ;:; ::: ]:-ai
z:z x:x c:c v:-ü b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:、 _:yu-
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):) =:ei ~:ê
W:wu E:e R:-r Y:yi U:-ü-(V) O:o `:ao {:ou
A:a +:tone1 *:tone2 }:ai
V:yu <:tone3 >:tone4 ?:?
Bittish but S Q U A R E
This is a clone of Dot BittishLike bittish but D O T S
This is a clone of Mono BittishImagine having round edges
this post made by the traditional bittish gang
This is a clone of Mono Bittish