Squariff square serif with and without the sans. ג is leaning folks. ק got his style from ל Let’s not forget here א is צ cousin. And yes that’s a י for the ה leading leg. These characters are all special so no special characters have been included
A modified duplicate of Blokz. All of the *basic lowercase letters* are the same height (and width, for the most part) on this version.
*"basic lowercase letters" meaning no accent marks.
This is a clone of BlokzA combination of a sans serif font and a display font, Blokz is designed to be a geometric "party palace" with nothing but straight lines and sharp angles. Comes with limited support for international letters, containing a small amount of accent marks and accented letters in both capital and lowercase variants.
12:15 PM: Corrected some screwed-up characters and added a few more international letters and symbols.
1:13 PM: Found some more screwed-up characters. Corrections have been made.
1:36 PM: Forgot the accents on the e... Also changed the Ï.
From the Final Fantasy Advance and DS games. Specifically the final version, from FFIV DS. I tried to make it compatible with all languages that use Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek scripts. Plus Japanese Hiragana and Katakana.
If you see problems, let me know.
•Added additional letters and diacritics.
•Changed the circumflexed letters to use actual circumflexs instead of inverted breves, so I could add breved letters.
•Used half-pixels to center diacritics over letters.
•Made some diacriticized letters more consistent.
This font relates to my original theme, ‘Messy’, which was developed based on the Brazilian slums, Favelas. In Western culture, these are viewed as ‘messy’, however in Brazilian culture they take great pride in their homes. This reflects the idea that people respond to the same theme in different ways depending on their cultural context. This font is designed to be used at large display sizes of 100pt or more as this means that the detail in each character can be clearly seen.
GS Unicode is a project I worked on over the course of several years so (almost) all languages get support! With 14,564 non-spacing characters, this font is finished (as of Unicode 13.0, and as of FS's pre-July 2021 glyph inventory). Please tell me if some of the characters aren't working. I'll try to fix them as best as I can!
This font will no longer be updated except in the case of fixing errors. I'm now working on GS Unicode 2.0, a non-pixelated(!) font that uses FS's current (all of Unicode!) glyph inventory, and is set to take much, much longer....
...so I'll see y'all on the other side~
I have made a font with International Maritime Signal Flags before, but this time they are coloured correctly (in grey scale). White is blank ( ), yellow is little dots (::), red is 33% diagonals (\\), blue is 50% diagonals (//), black is filled. Lower case letters are the patterns with no colouring, for those who want to colour in the fields themselves.
I have now added numbers. The regular numerals (0-9) are the square NATO flags, and the subscript numerals (₀₋₉) are the templates of the NATO number flags. The roman numerals (I-X, X representing 0) are the longer ICS flags, and the lower case roman numerals (i-x) are the uncoloured ICS flags.
On top of that there are four substitute flags, which can be found in the superscript numbers (¹⁻⁴) and the fifth fractions (⅕-⅘).
- Modified clone of Vespa II
- New symbols in many languages
- Working to make it unicode (will update at least once a month)
This is a clone of Vespa II