Published: 23rd May, 2010
Last edited: 23rd May, 2010
Created: 23rd May, 2010
This was made at first just for a few letters for a logo (I'll post it in the comments). But I got into it and I made more. So please comment and vote good because I am pretty new at this.
Other stuff:
& = middle dot (see logo)
@ = Stickman (see logo)
Published: 15th May, 2010
Last edited: 14th June, 2010
Created: 15th May, 2010
A really cool pixel font I spent so much time on. I have made EVERY character in Basic+More Latin. Please comment and vote good!
Published: 7th May, 2010
Last edited: 13th July, 2010
Created: 25th April, 2010
A pixel font I'm working on for my website. Not Done yet. I'm trying to make a many of the glyphs as I can. Please vote!
Last Edit:
- Made "s" readable
- Added all "Extended Latin"