I'm back at it again!!!
I'm planning to do every single character!!! :)
Update: Mostly just making what I feel like doing. I'm using fileformat.info/info/unicode/index.htm for characters that don't show up in FontStruct.
This display font was created with the rising sea levels in mind; as David Wallace-Wells says: "Miami and Bangladesh will not survive". It is too late for them. The font is a bold display sans serif with the intention to be used in combination with messages about global warming and rising sea levels. The letters contain structures intended for people which have been submerged underwater, the reality of Atlantis that we will face in the next few years.
Font based on the font in Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal.
Existing characters are the same as in the game while I tried to fill in for some common characters that are missing.
Some notes:
Pk, Mn, and :L replace ¼, ½, and ¾, respectively.
Korean font's punctuation/Arabic numerals are contained within Fullwidth forms.
Also, I guess Fontstruct doesn't support precomposed Hangul characters, so I'm out of luck there. The full-size individual Hangul letters are in Hangul Jamo, while the smaller ones (like on the name entry screen) are in halfwidth forms.
Halfwidth katakana is the same as fullwidth, but fullwidth Latin is different.
Halfwidth versions of the won/yen symbols are the currency symbol, while the fullwidth version is the language's character for it.
Unown letters are contained within the letters in circled capital letters section of Enclosed Alphanumerics.
Some ligatures ('s, d', etc.) are found within the lowercase parentheses and circled letters of Enclosed Alphanumerics.