Font from Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal
Credit to Nintendo, GAME FREAK and Creatures Inc.
Credit to Sarial84 for the Cyrillic alphabet.
This is a clone of Pokemon RBYI am coding a Pokemon game, and wanted to make a regional dialect to use. This is my first font on fontstruct, and I really enjoyed making it. Currently I have the full alphabet, along with numbers. If you use it, please give some form of credit.
[sorry im not very good at descriptions lol]
First seen on DaFont: before 2005 - Updated: February 10, 2007 - Expiry Date: August 04, 2023
This is a clone of Ketchum UpdatedPokémon Font First seen on DaFont: before 2005 - Updated: February 10, 2007 - Expiry Date: September 30, 2022
Pokemon New Font Update in Dafont on September 30, 2022.
This is a clone of FOT New Pop Happiness UpdatedA combined recreation of the pixel fonts from the German, French, Italian, and Spanish versions of Nintendo/Game Freak/Creatures' "Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow" (1998) on the Game Boy.
Beyond the extra accented/special characters and the inverted exclamation and question marks, the most notable difference to the English version is a modified lowercase "m", a different "é", and the inclusion of "+" and "&".
Note that the "Pokédollar" character has been mapped to the regular "$" sign. The arrows are mapped to "Black Right-Pointing Triangle" (U+25B6), "White Right-Pointing Triangle" (U+25B7), and "Black Down-Pointing Triangle" (U+25BC).
The tile set also includes custom characters that combine letters with apostrophes (e.g. for dialog that includes something like "I'm ...", there is an actual glyph with "'m"). These have not been included in this recreation.
The font has been slightly expanded to include some of the missing accented uppercase/lowercase characters. Apart from that, only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow (English) (GB)Recreation of the pixel font from the English version of Nintendo/Game Freak/Creatures' "Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow" (1998) on the Game Boy.
Note that the "Pokédollar" character has been mapped to the regular "$" sign. The arrows are mapped to "Black Right-Pointing Triangle" (U+25B6), "White Right-Pointing Triangle" (U+25B7), and "Black Down-Pointing Triangle" (U+25BC).
The tile set also includes custom characters that combine letters with apostrophes (e.g. for dialog that includes something like "I'm ...", there is an actual glyph with "'m"). These have not been included in this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
A Pokemon HeartGold-SoulSilver Full-Length Font Sheet Found from Spriters Resource.
Credit goes to Nintendo & HAL.
No Japanese Support because it's too hard.
Request me some Glyphs to add in the comments, if you want.
(4/26/24) - Fixed the One Greek Glyph (Long Term)
This font is a recreation of the font used in Pokémon Red/Blue/Green/Yellow Edition for the Game Boy consoles (except Game Boy Micro) with extended characters.
The English version of the "m" and "é", the "PK" and "MN" symbols, the Pokédollar sign and the letters with apostrophe ("c'", "d'", "'d", "j'", "l'", "'l", "m'", "'m" (English, Italian and French versions), "n'", "p'", "'r" (English and Italian versions), "s'", "'s", "t'", "'t", "u'", "'v" and "y'") are located in the Private Use Area block using from codepoint U+E000 to codepoint U+E017.
NOTE: The extended characters are made by myself.
Feel free to write your opinion.