Many times when I wanted standardized font for a drawing, what I found did not have some of diacritics. So I made me my own backup, that follows the norm for vertical letter form B where it is possible with some compromises.
Still work in progress, cant find way to make smooth zero or brackets with large arcs.
Megahard pixel font used as "Small Font" in MegaHard 10.0+
An 8px height font including glyphs from various unicode blocks.
Contains Exclamation and Question Marks in addition.
Geometric Shapes and certain other glyphs also exist to further assist newcomers in drawing. Circles appear as rounded squares but ronud squares do not have overrounded design. Supports both BMP and SMP glyphs.
Font is 100% monospaced and is free for use
Dungeon Rooms - although originally intended as a utility for prototyping simple dungeons, has multiple purposes: writing letters within boxes, connecting the dots (maybe) or whatever you can do with it.
Currently it features 27 rooms and plenty of symbols to use within them.
- = + How to use this font + = -
1. Place a symbol (lowercase or punctuation listed somewhere below)
2. Place a room (uppercase A-W)
- = + List of tiles + = -
--- Rooms ---
A - No doors
B - UP door
C - R door
D - L door
E - DOWN door
F - L+DOWN doors
G - L+UP doors
H - R+UP doors
I - R+DOWN doors
J - L+R doors
K - UP+DOWN doors
L - L+UP+DOWN doors
M - L+R+UP doors
N - R+UP+DOWN doors
O - L+R+DOWN doors
P - L+R+UP+DOWN doors
Q - L R path
R - UP DOWN path
S - L UP DOWN path
T - R UP DOWN path
U - L R DOWN path
V - L R UP path
W - L R UP DOWN path
X - DOWN-L turn
Y - DOWN-R turn
Z - UP-L turn
À - UP-R turn
--- Letters inside rooms ---
Each lowercase letter displays a 3x3 letter inside the box. Since 3x3 is ridiculously unreadable, I used some 0.5 bricks. Note that the lowercase and other entities meant to be placed within rooms technically have zero width, thus, to view them all you need to put spaces between them / set a high spacing value.
--- Add. Entities ---
. , ? ! + - / < = > \ | are what they should be, but within the same limit of 3x3
( and ) depict liquids (water, lava etc.)
_ # are dithered tiles to use inside rooms, while $ is a black tile
- = + Update Log + = -
2/11/2018 @ As requested by Se7enty-Se7en, added numerals. Also remade lowercases.
2/11/2018 @ As requested by zephram, added tiles representing some kind of liquids (water, lava, magma, anything you can think of), placed on ( and ).
2/12/2018 @ Added some Cyrillic characters and Greek "α", "β" and "γ".
2/12/2018 @ FINALLY ADDED "@"
- = + Issues to be solved + = -
- = + Solved issues + = -
> Since the font spread over the Basic Latin charset, I have placed some tiles in More Latin. For an easier placement of needed tiles, you can use Character Map app on Windows (Windows Accessories > Character Map). There, you need to switch the active font to Dungeon Rooms and double-click characters you need. They will be entered into the text field, from which you can copy them.
- = + Contributors + = -
Se7enty-Se7en, zephram
Casual Dragon Monospaced by Cohnisgone is an excellent medival-looking pixel font, but didn't have punctuation, so I cloned it to add punctuation and a few grungy box-drawing characters. Text should fit in a 12x16 box at pixel resolution.
This is a clone of Casual Dragon Monospaced