This is a dingbat font for JMPlayer III, which is a free media player by J.C Studio.
This is a clone of JMPlayer IIA Unicode Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic Clones. Have 141 Tags.
Have 70 Tags.
The main language seen in the videogame Stray, used by the robots as communication. However it's more of a cipher than a proper language. Therefore it can be transformed into a font/typeface for people to use.
Version History:
9/5/2022 - First Release, only basic latin.
Original typeface credit given to developers of the game Stray, I only take credit for the portions added onto the already existing typeface.
UPDATED PROJECT: Non-permanent keyboard shortcut button labels for an old Pentium III laptop used as an MP3 player. Now you can place the Player Icons in any Alphanumeric glyph. See Comments Section below for printing instructions.
1. Select the desired Letter Aa – Zz or Number 0–9
* For an Empty Box, select key /?
2. Next, select the desired Player Icon
PREVIOUS TRACK Icon is key [{
REWIND Icon is key ,<
PLAY Icon is key ;:
PAUSE Icon is key '"
STOP Icon is key =+
FAST FOWARD Icon is key .>
NEXT TRACK Icon is key ]}