Corbium font,
Version: v3.02
Unicode Version: 16.0
==== Lastest Update ====
Added more characters.
==== Other Versions ====
Fixed Ogham,
More CP & Cyrillic Extended-C
Added Small Form Variants
More Latin, New Lisu, Cyr. Ext, Phags-Pa, Kayah Li, Myanmar Ext, etc.
Download this Font
Only Mac, GNU Linux, Windows n, DELL, Samsung, iPhone, iPad, ASUS and Lenovo!
The first version was made in less than 20 mins!
Currently has 17656 glyphs and counting!
Latest Update: Added Non-binary Symbol
All standard 480 Argam are supported.
Pro tip for Myanmar: Use ေ and ႄ before a consonant to get the optimal vowel placement.
Pro tip for Devanagari: Use ि and ॎ before a consonant to get the optimal vowel placement.
This is possibly the biggest font I will ever create, and probably the one I'm most proud of at that. The original was built over the course of 4 months, and I'm very, very happy with how it turned out. Along with all of the 25 basic categories, I included 23 of my own - some finished, some unfinished. This has been a long process, sometimes fun, sometimes tiring, but I hope you find this font useful. Luckily, with all of the scripts it works with, it should have a use for everyone :) Please enjoy!
I am open to comments, suggestions and any other feedback. If you would like me to add another script, I am open to the task! :)
Edit: It's been more than a year and I'm still going strong! 6731 characters total. Trying to knock-off some smaller / less used scripts. :)
Jan 22, 2024: Fully finished font! 7500 total characters.
Thanks to everyone who has liked or downloaded! :)
Inspired by Igiari.