Plane 0:here
Plane 1:[THIS FONT]
Plane 2
Plane 3
[NO CHARACTERS EXISTS 4 TO 13 HIM DO IT 4 TO D OF Hexdecimal of U14.0]
Plane 14
Plane 15
Plane 16
A work u+3104 whats bubbles?
unicode what to next version:Unicode 14
A working to latin extended-h?
PLANE 2:here
Version History:
12/01/2022 (1.0.0):First Release
09/02/2022 (1.1.0):First Unicode 15 Upgraded Draft
07/03/2022 (1.1.1):Unicode 15 Review The Codes (L2/22-056)
20/03/2022 (1.2.0):Draft Boomless 4488 Characters
25/03/2022 (1.2.1):Fixel Windows 11 BabelMap
26/03/2022 (1.2.2):Suport Windows 11 Emoji
06/04/2022 (1.2.3):Fixed iOS 15.4 Font Download
07/04/2022 (1.2.4):CLDR Version Fourty-One Relased!, Combing At April 19...
12/04/2022 (1.3.0):Support LG Velet Emojis in zFont 3
21/04/2022 (1.3.1):Fixed All Currency Symbols
22/04/2022 (1.3.1a):What's New Unicode 15 Reviews
24/04/2022 (1.4.0):Fixed Small Bugs
25/04/2022 (2.0.0):Future Version 15.0
1/06/2022 (2.0.1):Second Unicode 15 Upgraded Draft
10/06/2022 (2.0.1):fixeds of unicodes
This is the Plane 1 font of the GS Unicode 2.0 font series. I've split this font up by plane since font files have a technical limit of 65,535 glyphs.
This font will be made up of U+0020 and U+10000~U+1FFFD, which add up to exactly 65,535 code points.
Things that are planned but not fully implemented yet are italicized.
Links to planes (I'll most likely be posting updates related to this series as a whole in the Plane 0 font):
Plane 0: here
Plane 1: [THIS FONT]
Plane 2
Plane 3
(No Unicode characters exist in Planes 4 through D as of U15.0)
Plane E: here
Plane F: here
Plane 10: here
PUA assignments can be found in the Plane 0, F, and 10 fonts.
Feel free to recommend PUA assignments!
Also, it's more than likely I won't know every script well enough that there won't be any mistakes. If/when I make a mistake, please tell me and I'll do my best to fix it!