Download this font only in Mac
Unicode® 16.0.0
Unicofonte is a sans-serif typeface which is designed by marcot_0425, not_cake, & Sed 4 type foundry for the Fake Bézier curves(geometric shapes only).
Latest update (v7.0.0):
March 3 at 11 a.m.:
Updated Cyrillic Omega Titlo and OT
Updated L with accent marks (especially L with stroke [small] as it looks like a T)
Fixed u0020 (spacebar)
I've updated tone six (looks like a cyrillic hard sign)
I've updated Cyrillic multi-eyed o (10 eyes) and F with stroke (Ua798) (looks like French franc symbol)
Fixed some bugs
Fixed all Latin extensions d character (a7d5) and medival exclamation and quesion mark(2E53-4)
Fixed Thorn with stroke
i used a diagonal brick to make it
Sun 24 Dec:
Today I added latin/greek/cyrillic unicode 16.0 chars
26 Dec 2023:
Better Kerning
Fixed most of the errors that I found
This is the Canadian Aboriginal Pixel font. A font consisting of, you guessed it, Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics.
This took me about a couple of days to finish, but here it is! And a little bonus: Kaktovik Numerals, also from Canada (and mostly Alaska)!
This is possibly the biggest font I will ever create, and probably the one I'm most proud of at that. The original was built over the course of 4 months, and I'm very, very happy with how it turned out. Along with all of the 25 basic categories, I included 23 of my own - some finished, some unfinished. This has been a long process, sometimes fun, sometimes tiring, but I hope you find this font useful. Luckily, with all of the scripts it works with, it should have a use for everyone :) Please enjoy!
I am open to comments, suggestions and any other feedback. If you would like me to add another script, I am open to the task! :)
Edit: It's been more than a year and I'm still going strong! 6731 characters total. Trying to knock-off some smaller / less used scripts. :)
Jan 22, 2024: Fully finished font! 7500 total characters.
Thanks to everyone who has liked or downloaded! :)