This font was based from Lidl’s Parkside Programmable Watering Timer (IAN Code: 404367_2204)
Available languages: German, French, Italian, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Finnish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Croatian, Slovene
This font was based from Lidl’s Parkside Programmable Watering Timer (IAN Code: 404367_2204)
Available languages: German, French, Italian, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Finnish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Croatian, Slovene
Constructed script for a conlang (5x5 version). Katakana keyboard setting required to use.
Pretty much abandoned currently. Do with whatever you will.
Just please give credit, lest the effort go in vein.
This Font Supports:
・CJK Ideographic (Work in Progress)
・Greek And Coptic (Work in Progress)
・Latin-1 Supplement
・Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
・...and More!
This is a clone of 6x3x4x3v1d0An updated version of RARE CANDY with lowercase letters.
This is a clone of RARE CANDY[Version 2.1]: Added "More Latin" Character Set.
[Version 2]: Fixed differences between the real font (from the NES or arcades) and the original (by me).
NES/Arcade Font.
This is a clone of NES/Arcade Font MonospaceLatin block is traced from Linux stock VGA8 font. Designed to fit 8x8 grid including spacing, so most symbols are 7x7 =WARNING= Line spacing is stuck and cannot be edited within FontStruct, you can edit it manually, see for example.