Inspired by the Logo of The band Scorpions first created back in 1975.
All other letters were built based on the letters in the original logo by me.
I found the original font of the logo, called "Lady Starlight" (you can check it out here: quite boring and thus made this like a recreation. Hope you find it much more interesting.
HeavyComp entry number 1
Open to comments and suggestions
G1 ThunderGawd. Opening day for Marvel's Thor Love and Thunder movie AND final day for the FS HeavyComp! Time to kill two birds with one stone, or maybe feed two birds with one scone.
HeavyComp entry #3. This font features...
• Microserifs
• 7 Color layers
• Chamfered Bevels
• Interconnected Celtic knot patterns with shaded underlayments
• Full weaving pattern on uppercase/numbers, vertical patterns on lowercase
• Thor's hammer Mjolinr on the +, broken hammer on the -
Can't wait to watch another film of Thor in the Taikaverse. Feels like I'm going to watch it about 50x, just like Thor Ragnarok.
Thanks to this competition, this font brought the challenge out of me. Believe it or not, this is the simplified version of what I wanted to make. Really nice set of submissions in quality and quantity from everyone for the Heavycomp.
Reference to a barbell. Use - to make a bar between disks. Uppercase is the left part and lowercase is the right part of the barbell. Ziltemir means barbell in my language. Used white colored layer to cover up some black spaces. Experiemntal work with some intersting potential
This is a clonetorra: Minecraftian for: hard, sturdy, solid
A font that will not fall down for the forseeable future. Not particularly readable. Made for the HeavyComp. For Minecraftian letters i e a o p t k f s h m n l r ts ks, use: " | - = [ n ] < ^ > r 7 l j v u.
It's called Choices because this basic idea lead to numerous minor iterations that completely changed the character of All the unused possibilites are now sitting dormant in another font. Perhaps they will become a full font (or three)...someday.
This is a cloneСaps more Rock, lovercase more futuristic. Lc letters O and Q connect with other letters, uc O Q is slightly larger and does not.
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Tennessine: superheavy element of the periodic table named after the US state Tennessee. Symbol: Ts, atomic number: 117, atomic weight: 294. It is a radioactive element artificially produced by fusing berkelium and calcium atoms.