This font is a result of the thinking "The punctuation looks niiice. Should I do a font to match these?" on tm wto font.
The letters were allowed to be as wide as they wanted. A lot (when it became apparent that many versions will be necessary to get the right shape) of the earlier attempts at forming the letters are left in the font.
Celtic calligraphy font with spiral detailing inspired by the triskelion symbol. The concept behind the symbol and therefore the typeface is of rebirth - and more specifically the cycle of life, death and rebirth - symbolised by the spiral motifs.
"Discopatentiously Obstructivenating Free Demo" font Copyright 2016-2019 Doug Peters and is 'Free for Personal Use' only to demonstrate the full font from which this beast was cloned ("Discopatentiously Obstructivenating" which is also by me, Doug Peters, and I will continue to develop that version).
This is my own clone of the original version. It may look a little like my Kindegraf or Sketchy fonts, as it's my handwriting with a mouse, and I bet there isn't a lot of deviation there (with the handwriting) but it IS different. This free version almost has a Basic Latin character set. More characters would require more work, so any further development will require a purchase or donation. Happy to do it if anyone is interested in a more complete font, but not for free.
Categories: Pixel font.
Types: Hand printed lettering.
Weight: Regular, Curly.
Web font: I don't think that would be a good idea, NO.
Commercial use: NO. If you want a commercial version, let's talk commission.
Derivatives: NO.
Redistribution: NO.
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Discopatentiously Obstructivenating font Copyright 2016-2019 Doug Peters.
This is my own clone of the original version. It may look a little like my Kindegraf or Sketchy fonts, as it's my handwriting with a mouse, and I bet there isn't a lot of deviation there (with the handwriting) but it IS different. More characters would require more work. Happy to do it, but not for free.
Categories: Pixel font.
Types: Hand printed lettering.
Weight: Regular, Curly.
Web font: I don't think that would be a good idea, NO.
Commercial use: When Purchased.
Derivatives: NO.
Redistribution: NO.
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Focus-Point typeface stemmed from a chosen theme, energetic. As I developed my ideas I looked closer at dynamic movement as a form of energy. I also wanted to demonstrate how energy can be wild or focused on one thing. The connecting joints of the typeface show the energy focused on one stationary point before and after it explosively moves across the page to form the remainder of the letter.