Fixed j, x, and 7. Original j at lc j, original x at lc x, original 7 at ^, and all other alts in the same positions of the original ABBA except alt a, g, n, and u which were not in the original ABBA and are in lc a, lc g, uc n, and lc u respectively, and alt 1 which was moved from ! to ` because of the punctuation.
All Greek alts are their lc’s except alt υ 2, which is in lc ψ.
Cyrillic alts:
Alt а: lc а
Alt д: lc д
Alt д 2: lc е
Alt д 3: lc ж
Alt ж: lc з
Alt л: lc л
Alt л 2: lc м
Alt л 3: lc н
Alt ф: lc ф
Alt х: lc х
( and ) are normal ends.
[ and ] are ribbon ends.
{ and } are turned ribbon ends.
« and » are diamond ends.
< is the border for thin letters, numbers and punctuation.
> is the border for thick letters, numbers and punctuation.
~ is the border for alt 1.
@ is the border for φ, alt φ, ж, ф, ш, щ, ы, ю, alt ф, and ש.
* is the border for ъ, ד ,ב, and ת.
/ is the border for д, alt д and alt д 2.
% is the border for ς, ц, ך, and ף.
& is the border for щ.
_ is the border for ç and ץ.
\ is the border for $.
• is the border for ן.
± is the border for ל.
alt £: ¤.
alt ß: uc ß.
the digitalio logo is on §.
digitalio commented i’m so delighted ^∇^
See also ABBA ( by digitalio for the original ABBA and the key for the original ABBA alts.
(why can't i do links ;_;)
(it’s still not working ╥_╥)
See more:
See more:
It took me so long damn it
original work by Sed4tives
This is a clone of STF_BLACKPAPERFolder strips of paper style blackletter attempt. I wish I had better solutions for some charaters, but I had some tough struggles getting good looking glyphs for this style, for example uppercase T took me like 60 attemps and none ever really pleased. So I ended up with choosing the best of them en just went on with the rest. BUT, Zephram came to the rescue and delivered me a propper T, Arrrrr thanks matey!!!
This is a cloneIncised version for the LOOP typeface family with rounded corners.
This is a clone of STF_LOOP (ROUNDED)SUTORAIPU ORIGAMI - A display typeface that was inspired by origami.
This version features both upper and lowercase characters plus some minor changes to it's appearance!
This is a clone of STF_ORIGAMISH v1My new typeface 'Coup de ruban' represents the beauty of human movement through interpretive dance. I decided to name my elegant font 'ribbon stroke', but in French, as French is seen as a beautiful language. The thin, curved flourishes follow the movements of the dancer Megan Batoon's hands and feet when dancing to her own choreography. The thick strokes represent ballerina ribbon which ground the flourishes to create a bold, yet elegant display font. -Sam