A collection of FontStruct fonts with a retro-futuristic feel.
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Westmobster NRC — Magnetic Ink Character Recognition style
A typeface design inspired by the MICR aesthetics style.
I haven't checked and compared this against any of the others already in existence, but due to this it's obvious that this is going to share several resemblances with other similar fonts that are out there.
But I'm pretty confident that this isn't just your next Westminster or Data70.
Just to point out one of the unmistakable difference here for example, is the more distinct Sci-Fi characteristic, which is especially strong within it's uppercase set.
This sort of fonts have been strongly associated with computers technology, especially in the late 1960s and early-to-mid 1970s. Nowdays these lettering concepts are frequently used to indicate computer involvement in television series, films, books, music fashion and several other media.
In the 1960s, the MICR fonts became a symbol of modernity or futurism, leading to the creation of look-a-like "computer" typefaces that imitated the appearance of the MICR fonts.
It still requires some minor adjustment and tweaks, but the global concept is finished.
Let me know what you think,
STF_VAQUUM 67 - A MICR style font
The font is loosely based on a screenprint named "Vacuums"
taken from a 1967 portofolio work by Eduardo Paolozzi.
It's not an accurate 1:1 copy, instead I tried to make it slightly more proportional version inspired by the original work. The font is done in all caps with some glyph alternatives in the lowercase string in order to slightly more accurate mimic the original print text.
The original print was most likely based on the "Westminster" typeface
that was designed by Leo Maggs and was inspired by the MICR(magnetic ink character recognition) system used on bank cheques.
Several other imitations of Westminster are out there, with most well known probably being the "Data 70" typeface.
A bold, rounded, mono spaced typeface; useful at various scales, I think. Designed primarily for use in English, also useful in French and Spanish. It's functionality in Greek is limitted, only really useful in a display context, or where only Demotic usage is required; not useful in Katharevousa, Koine, Classical, etc. Open Font Liscence, hope it is enjoyable and of use.
This is a cloneA continuation in the style of Genera and Genera Deux
A retro-futuristic font based on a typeface used in the music video for "Fast Driving" by Dallas Superstars, also based on the Scorpions logo.
Now completely redone with better proportions and updated designs.