Tylluan (Welsh) = owl (English)
Having looked at this font to add glyphs for a friend's language I decided to change some of the original glyphs, for the fun of change ;) ....... if you saw, remember and now hope to download the original basic English version: sorry, it's out of circulation unless I decide to remove the asked-for glyphs/shapes in this version so that you can DL the new basic Enlish version with support for my language and some fun dingbats. This particular upgraded version of Tylluan won't be downloadable unless the 'owner' of it allows me to offer it to FS members .
I changed some curves, improved the e-mail symbol, added curved blocks and glyphs for some European languages including Welsh (( RAY if you want to use this DO let me know here via PM !!!)) You'll also see the Eiron := aka. interrobang (en), exclarrogatif (fr), Fragerrufzeichen (de) and some asked-for dingbats
This is a cloneInitially made for NW & SW European members' languages this typeface has grown over time to include glyphs for most European languages. My friend Ray will be happy to see Welsh and my friend Johneen can write in Maori :)
Thanks to TCWhite I've found the 2E2E point to place my favourite punctuation/symbol correctly.
I've sent this to be rewiewed for Google Fonts. Having done so I'm stuck, I don't know how to proceed there: how can I get people to look at it, comment?!
This is a clone of MasterClass 1