Thanks to Sed4tives for STF_FAUX BEZIER ROTUNDS
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DOBINI BALWAUM (Inline) — Didone-style 18th century modern serif
Dobini Balwaum is a Didone, or modern, serif typefaces inspired by the works of Bodoni, Didot and Walbaum.
This font had been in the making for quite a long time as I ren into several design difficulties along the way. Most challenging parameter was the inline width. By default the width for the inline was set at 0.125 (or 1/8th) grid units.
Maintaining a constant width for the inline proved to be next to impossible. Therefor it evolves around a 'close' approximation of 0.125 units instead. Stroke weight for the letterform contours also proved to be somewhat of a constraining factor for the overall design concept. As it limits the ability to build complex geometry.
Due to the complexity in brick arrangements the font remains having some minor imperfections that I wasn't able to polish out so far yet, and some may never will..
For now only Basic Latin letters, it remains a WIP
I hope you like it so far,
An inline Shavian font using Japanyoshi/Ukiyomoji/Haley Wakamatsu's proposed fixed-width glyph styles for peep/fee/bib/vow, designed to convey yelling.
WIP, needs polishing. No latin alphabet planned. Feel free to fork.
Alternative a and e
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This is a clone of zerbeer eYe/FSWIP
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This is a clone of zirakuza eYe/FSSee more:
Thanks to ETHproductions for the improved curve finish. There is a second "s" (slightly more rounded) and an alternate curvy "y" placed on the "fi" and "fl" glyphs respectively.
This is a cloneA little experiment with the "connect" bricks (and an healty dose of stacking). I wasn't referencing any specific example of the style (of which there are many), but I'm sure that, looking for solutions as I went, I ended up with something similar to already existing typefaces (and fontstructions).
Unfortunately, some connecting bricks don't align exactly, so I had to resort to approximate them, when possible, with more stacking, which didn't particularly help the already lacking consistency in construction.
But enough moaning, enjoy!
TUBULAR LUMINII - Rounded inline display sans
◇◆◇ ❒ CONCEPT ■ ■
⇛▸⇛ Font that mimics electrical gas-discharge tubes (Neon)
◇◆◇ ❒ BACK STORY ■ ■
A larger potion of the Neon-fonts that are found on the web often have these quite strong emphasis on their decorative design aspects, and a lot of them come in elaborate looking complex styles and form. Besides the numerous optional different personalized conceptual decorative elements implemented into the design, many typefaces also regularly use more commonplace modifications such as; ▸multi-linear, incisions, patterned etc.
◇◆◇ ❒ THIS FONT ■ ■
Instead I went with a clean, simple basic geometric letterform, one that is essentially mono-linear at it's core. The one major key element that I have incorporated to the concept is that unmistakable in-line stroke. This was done to give it more of a convincing 'tubular'-concept as is the case with a real neon gas tube.
The other less pronounced but nonetheless fundamentally important design feature are the closed stroke-endings. Apart from being this extra little personalized element, it also suits a technical purpose. That of which is; "To fully preserve all 'in-lined'-negative (white) space in full isolation". This enables somewhat easier 'end-use' access to layer atributes or compound paths in graphic design software.
◇◆◇ ❒ FS TECHNICAL ■ ■
It's constructed mainly of connector bricks and a set of custom composite bricks, expanding FS's default connection brick set. Enabling greater viariational depth and complexity for custom shaping.
◇◆◇ ❒ FS METRICS ■ ■
❖ ❖ Metrics ⇒ 〔measure in ⇒square grid units〕
〘▸〙〔Glyph Metrics〕
○ Brick Size Filter: ~ 2 : 2
○ Cap-Height: ~ 4.5 ✕ 4.5
○ Ascent / Descent: ~ 0.5 ✕ 0.5
〘▸〙〔Font Metrics〕 ❖ ❖
○ Font Size: ~ 7.5
∗ Full Em square (incl. ⇒ symb. & punct.)
More soon..
This is a cloneSee more:
This is a clone of SwordplayThis is one of the ways I've always wanted to use layering in Fontstruct. Finally, it's possible :) Just a quick font to test the new feature - a grey shadow (ligh source from left to right) that is cast on inner white space of the letters.
P.S. I won't be able to sleep today, so many ideas to test... Thank you, Rob!