I Fontstructed my way through a difficult period, the holes have quite a story to tell....... A weird design and not totally necessary, I was told. That'll be OK for me ;) All letters are on Lower Case. There's an alternative 's' on 'S'. No Kerning.
Published: 5th March, 2015
Last edited: 5th March, 2015
Created: 3rd March, 2015
Exaggerated stems/curves. All Uppercase. Digital look. Bold but lightened by holes in the darkest parts.
Published: 25th September, 2014
Last edited: 25th September, 2014
Created: 25th September, 2014
This is a very cool font that looks very sparkly and has holes in it. A very Good Match for Christmas! PLEASE GIVE FEEDBACK! :D
Published: 17th September, 2014
Last edited: 16th September, 2014
Created: 14th September, 2014
In a film I watched recently I saw ticker tapes and thought it might be fun to make a kind of ticker tape font ;) I thought that the UC, numerals and basic punctuation would be enough 'fun' while being useable ... but somehow the font decided to grow.
This version can be used with its clone which is its positive image. There is a large black space on the ¤ which corresponds to the same size blank space on the cloned ¤ should you not wish to use the normal gap you find on the space bar.
Published: 13th January, 2013
Last edited: 12th May, 2018
Created: 13th January, 2013
Named after one of the artists who inspired my pottery and jewelry work ...
Published: 30th January, 2011
Last edited: 30th January, 2011
Created: 30th January, 2011
Block Lights is an extremely simple work in progress. A display font. Blocky. I like blocky fonts :)
Published: 11th January, 2011
Last edited: 16th December, 2010
Created: 27th November, 2010
My exercise in fontmaking, but a decent font nevertheless I think. Not entirely finiched as I plan to add even more signs.
Published: 13th November, 2010
Last edited: 13th November, 2010
Created: 13th November, 2010
Blackboard bold clone of Queue.This is a clone of Queue
Published: 12th April, 2010
Last edited: 5th May, 2010
Created: 15th March, 2010
Freak out all over your paper or project with Spaz! Can be used as both display and body text in large and small sizes. Have fun spazzing!
Published: 9th March, 2010
Last edited: 9th March, 2010
Created: 23rd February, 2010
based on a typeface I created by cutting holes in a styrofoam tray, then putting the circles that I cut out back into some of the holes. Then I was shining light from behind and the result looked somewhat like what you see here. (The little non-circular holes came from the circles that didn't fit properly into their holes)
Published: 7th November, 2009
Last edited: 7th November, 2009
Created: 6th November, 2009
White lower case letters within black upper case letters and vice versa.
Published: 15th May, 2008
Last edited: 15th May, 2008
Created: 15th May, 2008
A somewhat odd quasi-pixelfont inspired by Designer's Republic and alternate-timeline computer games. Enjoy!
Published: 17th February, 2025
Last edited: 9th November, 2012
Created: 24th October, 2012
Living in the shadows. Many children during the second world war were forced to hide for their lives, in dark confined spaces and remain extremely quiet, sometimes for months. My fontstruct typography 'scattered light' was created as part of a design brief given by UWE bristol, the theme followed the word shadow, and thought out the development of the font i looked at the light and shadows created as well as the rays or holes of light that would make it through small gaps. This was sometimes all the light they would see. I've tried to replicate this and take further inspiration from the decayed walls photographed after the war. The font is white on a black background, to symbolize the shadows/darkness they lived in. The font resembles scattered light and decayed surfaces from that period in time.