Based off of the logo of the Japanese cologne Mandom. Since I couldn’t find the font, I decided to make my own. There isn’t really a lower case, and the lower case letters are really just alternates. Also, it's 100% free.
UPDATE: pretty sure the font I was trying to replicate is called Benguiat Buffalo, so… that’s interesting. Also changed the name from 'Mandom' because me think of joke.
Taking advantage of the modular characteristics of the GunFight 8 Bit font (7x7 pixels), I have added concave bricks following the flow of the original style.
Work in progress.
Aprovechando las características modulares de la fuente GunFight 8 Bit (7x7 píxeles), he añadido ladrillos cóncavos siguiendo el flujo del estilo original.
Trabajo en progreso.
This is a clone of Gunfight FSHello again! Here's someting I started dabbling with years ago, but never finished or published. Fontstruct bricks and functions have evolved since then so I decided to give the ‘font’ a facelift and make it a little more complete (still no plethora of glyphs but I'm ok with it for now). Circus wild west meets casino and slot machines. Gambling, gunpowder, acrobats and jesters. Wash down with tequila.
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This is a clone of dennisonJust a Western font inspired by other Western fonts like "Bottoms" by rilencavy and "Western Calligraphic" by Wataru Aiso.
There are only a few characters in this font, and some of the punctuation might not be original.
American frontier and western inspired display type.
Still needs a little bit of tweaking here and there. Also for some reason leading is not what it supose to be, it runs short a bit. But this is far from problematic.
Lewis from GEOS FontPack PLUS for the Commodore 64.
Another Old West font... normally I don't care much for them, I never warmed to Playbill. Lewis feels like it's got a bit more space - almost a cross between Playbill and Italian Print.
My first entry for Serifcomp. Originally created in 2013, when I still had little knowledge about the finer details of type design. I've made major changes to the original design while trying not to lose its original feel (avoiding diagonal strokes, for example). I ended up making major changes to M, Q, T, W, f, k, m, q, r, t, and w, and minor changes to a bunch more; a ton of kerning was also required. It's not very polished yet, but it's a start...
Some alternates are available in Latin Extended A. As always, suggestions and critiques are welcome. Thanks and enjoy!
Suggestions welcome!
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