Hello again! Here's someting I started dabbling with years ago, but never finished or published. Fontstruct bricks and functions have evolved since then so I decided to give the ‘font’ a facelift and make it a little more complete (still no plethora of glyphs but I'm ok with it for now). Circus wild west meets casino and slot machines. Gambling, gunpowder, acrobats and jesters. Wash down with tequila.
This font was originally inspired by the word "Unstable", from that word I began to look at multiple unstable characters. I chose to then focus on the new Joker film and the new character Joaquin Phoenix had created. The font used for the Joker advertisment was really impressive however I felt as though it didn't really do his character justice. This font was a way for me to better illustrate The Joker's new character.
This font was originally inrpired by the word "Unstable". From that word i began to look at multiple unstaible chratcters. I chose to then focus on the new Joker film and the new character joaquin Phoenix had created. The font used for the Joker advertisment, was really impressive however, I fehlt as though it didnt really portray his character well. This font was a way for me to better illustrate The Joker's new character. First I created a very comic block letter that would containe a scratchy "unstable" letter.