STF_PRÆSENS - A geometric retro display sans
The source for this font was the lettering seen on the cover of 1930's second issue of "Præsens". A Polish avant-garde artistic magazine from the interwar period that was designed by the architect Szymon Syrkus. The letters on the magazine's title formed the baseline to extrapolate the complete font.
The magazine got published throughout the first part of the previous century and was similar to other magazines from that same era such as:
DeStijl, Wendingen & Het Overzicht.
For this Fontstruct project, I decided to look at the word malnourished. Looking at all aspects that surround the meaning of the word , the lack of proper nutrition caused by not having enough to eat or not consuming the right things for whatever reasons. I decided to look at the fashion industry, looking into what people put themselves through to become the “perfect” size and that the expectation for this image is growing. My font represents this by showing the main spotlight on the front letter which is tall and skinny followed by the reality displayed in the shadow which is a bigger more “healthy” letter , showing the two extremes in a whole typeface.