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Very impressive.
aphoria, djnippa & cablecomputer
Concerning the numbers I agree with you. That's exactly the problem I have. Maby it's better to replace the lowercase in uppercase numbers.
The new lining ones are good too, but less distinctive. Maybe you could've tried an hybrid version (like Georgia). You could also put the former ones somewhere as alternates.
And a Merry Christmas to you too :)
I did like the old style numerals, I just thought they looked a little "off" compared to the rest of the set. Maybe you could put them back in as alternates?
Also you could adjust the x-height of those with mid and top horizontal straight lines, like E,F,i,z, etc. At the moment the fully curved letters like c,o etc look like they're floating above the base line. I think they may look better if they were increased in depth and height by one brick either way, depending on the glyph.
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