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Looking at the diagonal strokes it probably wasn't the brightest idea to have a stroke weight of 1 unit on horizontal and vertical strokes at 1:1 grid ratio.
So now I'm left unable to nudge the bricks on the diagonals any further to narrow the strokes without disrupting the edges.
I probably should've made the overal stroke weight 2 units instead to have slight more space to make minute adjustments.
So for now the diagonals are slightly looking heavier, sorry. Will be fixed soon.
Some wonderful letter forms here. I'm pretty sure there’s something quite similar on FontStruct already, which might be an interesting reference point, but I haven’t found it yet. There is this with a lower case as well, although yours is looking more coherent so far.
Hey thanks Rob. It's still a work in progress but my aim is for pixel perfection, which I haven't achieved so far. lol
To get more accurate 45° angles, the following tutorial might be helpful. Cloning is highly recomeneded:
Tutorial - 45 degree angles
Of course, this tutorial was made back in the "bad old days," before composites and nudging became standard options in FontStruct; by using them, you can now get 45° angles even closer to "perfect" in your FontStructions...
@ Goatmeal: I already knew the pythagorean theorem. I just launched myself into this without really thinking about any ratios. Thanks nonetheless :)
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