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Unicode® 16.0.0
Unicofonte is a sans-serif typeface which is designed by marcot_0425, not_cake, & Sed 4 type foundry for the Fake Bézier curves(geometric shapes only).
Latest update (v7.0.0):
March 3 at 11 a.m.:
Updated Cyrillic Omega Titlo and OT
Updated L with accent marks (especially L with stroke [small] as it looks like a T)
Fixed u0020 (spacebar)
I've updated tone six (looks like a cyrillic hard sign)
I've updated Cyrillic multi-eyed o (10 eyes) and F with stroke (Ua798) (looks like French franc symbol)
Fixed some bugs
Fixed all Latin extensions d character (a7d5) and medival exclamation and quesion mark(2E53-4)
Fixed Thorn with stroke
i used a diagonal brick to make it
Sun 24 Dec:
Today I added latin/greek/cyrillic unicode 16.0 chars
26 Dec 2023:
Better Kerning
Fixed most of the errors that I found
Super4 - basic and more latin, including kerning after the "f" and before the "j".
I set out to create a regular pixel-based, square font. The unifying theme is the thicker vertical portion on most letters, most noticeable in the capitals, which are 4 pixels wide - hence the name Super4. It's my first font and I quite enjoyed working on it.
An awkward name perhaps, for an odd little, simple version of an "LED Screen-slash-Scoreboard-Style Capitals Only" font... (I plan on adding the Extended ASCII, Soon™)
Years ago, I contacted the author of a similar-styled font, to ask specifically for Commercial Use of his font, that looked somewhat like this one (I have been using it "Officially" at my Blog since then).
Today, I found Fontstruct and thought "why don't I make my own version this font, not only for my own use, but for others to possibly use as well?".
And so, here is an 'LED Screen' or 'Dot Matrix' style font (also usable as a 'Pixel style' font) - with punctuation and a couple of 'accents' - but capitals only, as traditional LED Screens or Scoreboards ("Score Screens") would have used; made for you, on this wonderful, easy-to-use interface, Fontstruct.
I plan on making many more, including finishing those I started on my own in other font-creation applications!
I am 'Troy from The Game Tips And More Blog', by the way, heh
Feel free to Comment below (Suggestions, Questions, And More) or contact me via e-mail, at:
Usage License:
You are free to utilize this font for ANY purpose whatsoever, including Commercial Use and Monetization of any kind, Royalty-Free; the only condition being that you mention my name somewhere, anywhere, during use of this font.