ETC Caldera Street V1 - A hybrid serif/sans serif
My first 2x2 font; I was inspired to create something akin to ITC Serif Gothic and Gradient Gothic
This is still a work-in-progress though, I need to add more punctuation and diacritics, and the kerning isn't completely finished as of yet
Gr4ftY presents:
Just a simple bold font.
feel free to give critique, as long as you have something helpful to say.
i would especially appriciate help with the greek.
to @Kiên Trung for helping with the Υ
to @elmoyenique for helping with the y
to @Sed4tives for a bunch of bits and bobs here and there (c, t, and n, to name a few)
additional info:
X height: 5
Cap height: 8
letter width: 5
Filters: 2x2
I got the name from Grammarly Go. The actual font was inspired by the capital A in Sed4Tives' FauxHaus. Some glyphs are similar to Gyroscope by Cmunk.
2x2 filter font, fits in a 4x4.
Now that I see it, it looks kind of like the Star Wars font.
Kind of.
My try at a handwritten font on a small scale, the fuzzy preview amplifies the effect!
Feel free to comment any other ways to create a handwritten effect on a small scale!
(and yes, some time or another i will try to tackle a large scale font with faux-curves, just not anytime this month and/or the next one).
Art deco in 2x2 grid size
I orginally plan to release a kerned version made with FontForge along side, but something, I've forgotten what, was frustrating.
Today, November 2020, I think I can just release this anyway.
I hope you enjoy, I want to come back designing, I've been busy learning to conlang recently.
Inspired by a type identification request over at
During developement, the tool has taken over, also helped by the scarcity of letters available in the original, making the design more sans than serif, and with strong MICR vibes in some places.
The name means "shoe shop" (also shoe repair or shoe making) in Italian.
At the moment the language coverage is limited to Western Europe.