Recreation of the pixel font from Atlus' "Shin Megami Tensei" (1992) on the Super Famicom.
The font includes an almost complete set of hiragana and katakana characters. In the tile set, the dakuten and handakuten are separate tiles, positioned in a line above their respective character. In this recreation, characters that use them are pre-combined into a single glyph.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format (for the subtle antialiasing), which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Shin Megami Tensei (SNES)Recreation of the main small pixel font from ADK/SNK's "World Heroes" (1992) on the Neo-Geo.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of World HeroesRecreation of the pixel font from SNK's "Burning Fight" (1991) on the Neo-Geo.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Burning FightRecreation of the main small pixel font from ADK/SNK's "Ninja Master's: Haō Ninpō Chō" (1996) on the Neo-Geo.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Ninja Master's: Haō Ninpō ChōRecreation of the pixel font from Saurus/System Vision/SNK's "Ragnagard" (often mislabelled "Operation Ragnagard", 1996) on the Neo-Geo.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included
This is a clone of RagnagardRecreation of the small pixel font from Saurus/SNK's "Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad" (1998) on the Neo-Geo.
Almost identical to the original "Shock Troopers" (1997), except for the numerals.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Shock Troopers: 2nd SquadRecreation of the small pixel font from Saurus/SNK's "Shock Troopers" (1997) on the Neo-Geo.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad (Colour)Inspired by INVASION BLOCK (by the great Upixel), but right slanted, with more glyphs added (206 in total) and some of the originals slightly retouched.
Recreation of the extra large pixel font from Capcom's "Knights of the Round" (1991).
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Note that in the original, a few of the characters (such as "A", "D", "J") had single-pixel "holes" between the character shape and its shadow/outline. These mistakes have been corrected in this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Knights of the Round (Large)Recreation of the main pixel font from Lucasfilm Games/JVC/Victor Musical Instruments' "Star Wars" (1991) on the NES.
The alpha-numeric characters are the same as the Sega Master System version (except for the spacing), but this version includes more special characters/punctuation marks.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Star Wars (NES)Recreation of the main pixel font from Lucasarts/Tiertex/U.S. Gold's "Star Wars" (1993) on the Sega Master System.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Star Wars (SMS)Recreation of the pixel font from SNK's "ZuPaPa!" (2001) on the Neo-Geo.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of ZuPaPa!Recreation of the pixel font from Racdym/Hudson/SNK's "Far East of Eden: Kabuki Klash" (1995) on the Neo-Geo.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Far East of Eden: Kabuki KlashRecreation of the pixel font from Capcom's "Varth: Operation Thunderstorm" (1992).
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
In the game, the font includes a few ... odd choices (such as having the apostrophe take up zero width and placing it above the preceding character, the weirdly top-heavy "2", and using the "@" sign instead of a proper copyright symbol on the title screen). This recreation repositions the apostrophe, and maps the "@" sign to its correct code point.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Mono Tweaked)Recreation of the bold variant pixel font from Alpha Denshi's "Gang Wars" (1989).
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Gang Wars (Bold)Recreation of the pixel font from Taito's "Ryu Jin" (1993).
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Ryu JinRecreation of the primary pixel font from Alpha Denshi's "Gang Wars" (1989).
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Gang WarsRecreation of the cursive pixel font from Gaelco's "Big Karnak" (1991).
This admittedly rather ugly font is used only once in the game - to provide the player with hints ("solutions to the enigmas") in the second level.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Big Karnak (Cursive)Recreation of the main pixel font from Nazca Corporation/SNK's "Metal Slug" (aka "Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001", 1996) on the NEO-GEO.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
The original game includes a handful of accented characters (for the POW names at the end of each level). This recreation includes a few extra accents that were missing.
Except for the additional accents, only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Metal SlugRecreation of the pixel font from SNK's "Last Resort" (1992) on the NEO-GEO.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Last ResortRecreation of the pixel font from Jordan Mechner/Brøderbund/Virgin Games/MotiveTime/Mindscape's "Prince of Persia" (1992) on the NES.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format for the subtle antialiasing, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Prince of Persia (NES)Recreation of the pixel font from Yumekobo/SNK's "Blazing Star" (1998) on the NEO-GEO.
The game is a sequel to "Pulstar" (1995), and iterates over that game's font, with a few notable changes and deviations.
Note the special paw character, which is mapped to "paw prints" (U+1F43E).
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Blazing StarRecreation of the small pixel font from Capcom's "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future" (aka "JoJo's Venture", 1998).
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of JoJo's Bizarre AdventureRecreation of one of the large pixel fonts from Capcom's "Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter" (1997).
This font is used (in both a monospaced and proportional variant) throughout the game for character names, in-fight messages, and the high score screen. The same font was also reused in "Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes" (1998).
Note that this is a simplified recreation: the original tiles from the game use a few more shades of the darkest orange colour for a more subtle gradient. However, this recreation groups these together to stick to an 8 colour palette.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (L)Recreation of one of the tall pixel fonts from Capcom's "Marvel Super Heroes" (1995).
This version is the variant used in the game (for instance, for the post-fight quotes).
This version is the variant used in the game (for instance, for the post-fight quotes). The main differences from the unused tall font are in the lowercase characters (which are, subjectively, quite awkward now), some of the punctuation marks, and the addition of a handful of extra characters.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Marvel Super Heroes (Tall) (Unused) (Colour)Recreation of one of the tall pixel fonts from Capcom's "Marvel Super Heroes" (1995).
This version is actually unused - the game uses a variant of this font (for instance, for the post-fight quotes).
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Marvel Super Heroes (Tall) (Unused)Recreation of the main large pixel font from Capcom's "Marvel Super Heroes" (1995).
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Marvel Super Heroes (L)Glyphs
Recreation of one of the extra large pixel fonts from Capcom's "Marvel Super Heroes" (1995).
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Marvel Super Heroes (XL)Recreation of the extra-large pixel font from Capcom's "Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge" (aka "Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge", 1995).
This font was later reused in "Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire", "Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire", and "Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers' Revenge" (1997).
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (XL)Recreation of the large pixel font from Capcom's "Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors" (aka "Vampire: The Night Warriors", 1994).
The same font was reused in the sequel "Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge" (aka "Vampire Hunter: Darkstalker's Revenge", 1995), where it was only used for the post-fight taunt scenes.
The font includes an almost complete set of accented characters.
A quirk of this font is that it's monospaced, despite some characters (like the lowercase "m") being wider than the nominal letter width - which leads to a slightly joined-up look for certain words.
This recreation uses the special OpenType SVG (TTF+SVG) format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (L)