This is an abugida script based on the other Dravidian scripts and includes some Devanagari letters. A star represents the vowel marking and the letters after represent the sound it adds to a consonant.
English letter (capital/small matters) - Kuurumbir Letter
A - a
B - aa
C - ja
D - nna
E - e
F - ae
G - gya
H - oe
I - i
J - ii
K - ksha
L - lla
M - om
N - nnna
O - o
P - ★oe
Q - sri
R - rra
T - tra
U - u
V - uu
W - ★ow
X - ★ai
Y - nya
Z - zha
a - ★aa
b - ★ae
c - cha
d - tha
e - ★e
f - fa
g - nga
h - ha
i - ★i
j - ★ii
k - ka
l - la
m - ma
n - na
o - ★o
p - pa
q - ★uu
r - ra
s - sa
t - ta
u - ★u
v - va
w - ★ (consonant by itself, no vowel sound)
x - xa
y - ya
z - za
: (colon) - ow
; (semicolon) - ai
This is my constructed script for the English language. It is derived from characters that appear in several conlangs on Omniglot, most with a few tweaks to make it unique, as well as characters solely of my own creation.
1-Type the uppercase vowels A I U E É O to get the independent vowels
2-Type ğ, ŋ, ŕ to get the digraph gh, ng, rr
3-To get a digraph, type consonant before and add a uppercase H
4- The follwing consonants who dosent work with the H is
r g k x v w n
5- The following lyrics does not exist in that script is
f z
6- the lowercase vowels a i u e é o is a vowel diacritics
1:zh 2:: 3:ee 4:sh 5:th 6:ue 7:; 8:ie 9:ooe -:oo ^:ah
q:ng w:w e:e r:r t:t y:y u:u i:i o:o p:p @:ae [:aw
a:a s:s d:d f:f g:g h:h j:j k:k l:l ;:oe ::oy ]:ow
z:z x:dh c:ch v:v b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:! _:-
!:ZH “:" #:EE $:SH %:TH &:UE ‘:' (:IE ):OOE =:OO ~:AH
Q:NG W:W E:E R:R T:T Y:Y U:U I:I O:O P:P `:AE {:AW
A:A S:S D:D F:F G:G H:H J:J K:K L:L +:OE *:OY }:OW
Z:Z X:DH C:CH V:V B:B N:N M:M <:( >:) ?:?
Beringin Ukir is a serif rendition of the constructed Beringin script created by Adam Damario in 2017. A documentation by its creator can be read here (in Indonesian and English), while a documentation by Omniglot can be read here (in English).
The letters are made separated from one another, unlike the original verison in which each letters are connected, to emphasize its serif property. I've also added a reduplication sign in order to write Indonesian and Malay words more efficiently. In addition to that, this rendition of the Beringin script doesn't have letters for foreign sounds (/f q v ʃ x z/) as this rendition is intended to write Austronesian words only.
Beringin Tulis is a minimalist rendition of the constructed Beringin script created by Adam Damario in 2017. A documentation by its creator can be read here (in Indonesian and English), while a documentation by Omniglot can be read here (in English).
Besides having stylized letterforms, I've added a reduplication sign in order to write Indonesian and Malay words more efficiently. In addition to that, this rendition of the Beringin script doesn't have letters for foreign sounds (/f q v ʃ x z/) as this rendition is intended to write Austronesian words only.
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:-ā
q:q w:w e:-ī r:r t:t y:y u:-u i:-i o:-ū p:ʾ @:a [:th
a:-a s:s d:d f:f g:gh h:h j:j k:k l:l ;:; ::: ]:dh
z:z x:sh c:kh v:ʿ b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:/ _:ḥ
!:! “:" ‘:' (:( ):)
W:ū E:-e R:o T:ṭ Y:ī U:u I:i O:-o P:p
A:ā S:ṣ D:ḍ G:g J:e L:ɫ
Z:ẓ C:ch V:v ?:?
1:zh 2:: 3:ee 4:sh 5:th 6:ue 7:; 8:ie 9:ooe -:oo ^:ah
q:ng w:w e:e r:r t:t y:y u:u i:i o:o p:p @:ae [:aw
a:a s:s d:d f:f g:g h:h j:j k:k l:l ;:oe ::oy ]:ow
z:z x:dh c:ch v:v b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:! _:-
!:ZH “:" #:EE $:SH %:TH &:UE ‘:' (:IE ):OOE =:OO ~:AH
Q:NG W:W E:E R:R T:T Y:Y U:U I:I O:O P:P `:AE {:AW
A:A S:S D:D F:F G:G H:H J:J K:K L:L +:OE *:OY }:OW
Z:Z X:DH C:CH V:V B:B N:N M:M <:( >:) ?:?
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:tx
q:ts w:rr e:e r:r t:t y:ll u:u i:i o:o p:p @:ü [:tt
a:a s:s d:d f:f g:g h:h j:j k:k l:l ;:; ::: ]:ñ
z:z x:x c:tz v:dd b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. _:nasal vowel
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):) ~:TX |:NAZAL VOWEL
A:A S:S D:D F:F G:G H:H J:J K:K L:L }:Ñ
Z:Z X:X C:TZ V:DD B:B N:N M:M ?:?
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:aa
q:cu w:u e:-e r:tl t:t y:y u:o- i:-i o:-o p:p @:a [:r
a:-a s:s d:a- f:e- g:i h:j j:i- k:k l:l ;:; ::: (voiced consonant)
z:ts x:x c:tx v:o b:e n:n m:m ,:, .:. _:oo
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):)
E:-ee R:ee Y:ii U:oo- I:-ii O:-oo
A:-aa D:aa- F:ee- J:ii-
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:e
q:qh w:w e:q' r:r t:th y:y u:-u i:-i o:q p:ph @:k' [:e-
a:-a s:s d:t f:p' g:k h:h j:ch k:kh l:l ;:; ::: ]:-e
z:ch' x:sh c:chh v:ll b:p n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:t' _:ñ
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):)
Q:a W:o T:ts U:u- I:i- O:-o
A:a- J:i L:o-
Z:z X:sh' C:tr' V:u ?:?
This is the official written format for Katemayar, however, please review the alphabetic notices in "Katemayar" to understand typing and related.
A stylized rounded Extended Cyrillic alphabet has been added to this font as well.
This alphabet is designed to be used solely for Kynaatt but it can be used for English, it is loosely based on Atemayar Qelisayer which can be found on Omniglot with credit to its original creator. I have modified it heavily to suit Kynaatt and ease of handwriting. If you wish to use Atemayar however, please see my other fonts as I have many for that alphabet.
Although Katemayar Round shares many similarities with Atemayar Qelisayer, it is as different from it as Cyrillic or Greek is from the Latin Alphabet. Therefore, this alphabet is only based on, not a version of, the Atemayar Qelisayer alphabet featured on Omniglot. The shape and layout of letters differs drastically, especially with modified: R, B, V, & Y; as well as the entirely new I, S, W, O, U, & X plus several added characters. The shapes are also different in handwriting, stroke order/direction, and glyph building (with Atemayar Qelisayer using two to three building blocks of vertical lines and cross bars, and Katemayar uses only vertical lines and circular features).
This is a clone of Katemayar Sharp Sans SerifPlease see "K'Atemayar" for information about this script and credit to the creator.
This is a clone of Katemayar Sharp Sans Serif1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:◌́◌
q:j w:w e:-e r:r t:t' y:y u:-u i:-i o:-o p:p @:a [:◌'◌
a:-a s:s d:t f:p' g:k h:h j:ch k:k' l:l ;:; ::: ]:◌◌
z:tz x:x c:ch' v:tz' b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:o _:'
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):)
E:e- Y:e U:u- I:i- O:o-
A:a- J:i
V:u ?:?
1:-üü 2:ü- 3:e- 4:-ee 5:u- 6:-uu 7:-ii 8:i- 9:-ö 0:o- -:'/ʺ ^:a-
q:ɢ w:-ü e:-e r:r t:t y:y/(V-)i u:-u i:-i o:-o p:p @:-aa [:(
a:-a s:s d:d f:f g:g h:kh j:j k:k l:l ;:ö- ::-oo ]:)
z:z x:sh c:ch v:v b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:oo- _:-öö
!:! ":" &:uu (:ii- ):ö =:-
Q:aa- W:ü E:e R:r' T:t' Y:ii U:u I:i O:o P:p' `:aa {:öö
A:a S:ee- D:d' F:ee G:g' H:kh' J:uu- K:k' L:l' *:oo }:öö-
Z:-üü X:üü C:ts V:v' B:b' N:n' M:m' ?:?
1:-ng 2:-iê/ia 3:-ă 4:-e 5:tr 6:-t 7:-u/o 8:th 9:-n 0:-c -:- ^:-ô
q:ng/ngh- w:-â e:-ê r:r t:t- y:-ư u:u/o- i:i/y- o:-o p:-p @:-ơ [:kh
a:-a s:x d:đ f:ph g:g/gh h:h- j:-i/y k:c/k/q- l:l- ;:; ::: ]:nh-
z:d x:s c:ch- v:v b:b n:n- m:m- ,:, .:. /:/ _:-m
!:! ":" #:ă $:e ':' (:( ):) =:ưa/ươ ~:ô |:-ô(-c/ng)
Q:a(-ch/nh) W:â E:ê R:-ê(-ch/nh) Y:ư U:u I:i/y O:o P:p- `:ơ {:ô(-c/ng)
A:a D:ê(-ch/nh) H:ua/uô J:ia/ya/iê K:o(-c/ng) L:-o(-c/ng) +:-ươ *:-uô }:-nh
Z:gi- X:-a(-ch/nh) C:-ch B:◌̀ N:◌̉ M:◌̃ <:◌́ >:़ ?:?
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:ny
q:ng' w:w e:-e r:r t:t y:y u:-u i:-i o:-o p:p @:a [:e
a:-a s:s d:d f:f g:g h:h j:j k:k l:l ;:; ::: ]:i
z:z x:sh c:ch v:v b:b n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:u _:o
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):) ~:NY
Z:Z X:SH C:CH V:V B:B N:N M:M ?:?
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:ō
q:a w:w e:-e r:e t:ū y:-ī u:-u i:-i o:-o p:p @:o [:(CV/V)-i
a:-a s:ē d:-ē f:-ū g:ī h:h j:i k:k l:l ;:; ::: ]:(CV/V)-e
z:-ā x:ā c:’ v:u b:(CV/V)-u n:n m:m ,:, .:. /:(CV/V)-o _:-ō
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):)
1:-k 2:-y 3:-w 4:-t 5:-tsw 6:-chy 7:t 8:-h 9:-n 0:n -:m ^:accent
q:-yu w:w- e:-e r:r- t:t- y:y- u:-u i:-i o:-o p:p- @:-ya [:-kw
a:-a s:s- d:d- f:e g:g- h:h- j:i k:k- l:o ;:h ::k ]:-ky
z:z- x:a c:-yo v:u b:b- n:n- m:m- ,:, .:. /:r _:accent (Chinese loanword)
!:! ":" &:& ':' (:( ):) =:=/:
W:w E:-we Y:y U:-wu I:-wi O:-wo P:p
A:-wa S:s D:d F:-ye G:g H:(-hw) J:-yi K:(-xi)
Z:z V:(-xu) B:b M:(-m) ?:?