A font based on the one from Metroid Prime Hunters! Has support for a variety of Latin based languages, plus Greek and a variety of Cyrillic languages. Feel free to use, but please credit me :^)
Published: 25th March, 2011
Last edited: 27th April, 2011
Created: 16th March, 2011
This is a rounder, smoother, non-monospace variant of my Clean Code typeface.
Published: 22nd August, 2010
Last edited: 19th September, 2010
Created: 17th August, 2010
"Graphic Environment Manager / GEM" was a GUI developed by Digital Research Inc. Similar programs, such as Apple's Lisa/Macintosh interface and Microsoft Windows, were all 'inspired' by the groundbreaking work at Xerox PARC Labs in the 1970s. Used primarily with CP/M operating systems as well as a series of Atari ST computers, later versions also ran on top of MS-DOS. This font is from GEM version 3.13 (April 14, 1989) for MS-DOS, and includes lots of DOS and Windows characters...
Published: 16th March, 2010
Last edited: 16th March, 2010
Created: 16th March, 2010
This font is based on a font used in the MMORPG RuneScape (c) Jagex Ltd.
It is based on the font seen in the chatbox and various interfaces, but its edges have been smoothed, allowing it to be used at virtually any size. Note that this means the font is not at all accurate to anything in RuneScape! The font contains all characters which may be said in RuneScape, plus ∞…‘’“” and TzHaar numbers. Note that the infinity symbol (∞) has been placed in the location of the trademark sign (™), because FontStruct does not provide an infinity slot, and RuneScape does not have a TM sign. For these same reasons, the twelve TzHaar numbers are in the first twelve Extended Latin B characters (ƀƁƂƃƄƅƆƇƈƉƊƋ).
This font is intended for use in RS screenshot faking, videos, and other RS graphical works.This is a clone of RuneScape Chat
Published: 7th March, 2010
Last edited: 11th February, 2011
Created: 6th March, 2010
This font is used in the MMORPG RuneScape (c) Jagex Ltd.
It is the font seen in grave marker epitaphs and some interfaces. The font contains all characters which may be said in RuneScape, plus ∞, …, and TzHaar numbers, even though many had to be improvised since they are not actually seen in-game (the only 100% guaranteed accurate characters are DEHILMPRTVWYabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwyz347.,). Note that the infinity symbol (∞) has been placed in the location of the trademark sign (™), because FontStruct does not provide an infinity slot, and RuneScape does not have a TM sign. For these same reasons, the twelve TzHaar numbers are in the first twelve Extended Latin B characters (ƀƁƂƃƄƅƆƇƈƉƊƋ).
This font is intended for use in RS screenshot faking and RS videos.
Published: 12th February, 2025
Last edited: 2nd February, 2011
Created: 25th August, 2009
This font is used in the MMORPG RuneScape (c) Jagex Ltd.
It is the font seen in the quest list, musics, notes, and many interfaces. The font contains all characters which may be said in RuneScape, and all are 100% accurate, with the exception of TzHaar numbers and …. Note that the infinity symbol (∞) has been placed in the location of the trademark sign (™), because FontStruct does not provide an infinity slot, and RuneScape does not have a TM sign. For these same reasons, the twelve TzHaar numbers are in the first twelve Extended Latin B characters (ƀƁƂƃƄƅƆƇƈƉƊƋ). Note that ∞, …, and TzHaar numbers cannot be entered into notes, but ∞ was used in various item quantities for a brief period when shops were personalized, but had infinite stock.
This font is intended for use in RS screenshot faking and RS videos.
Published: 12th February, 2025
Last edited: 12th December, 2010
Created: 17th December, 2009
This font is used in the MMORPG RuneScape (c) Jagex Ltd.
It is seen in the Lobby and various interfaces, as well as when you deal your maximum damage. Note that the infinity symbol (∞) has been placed in the location of the trademark sign (™), because FontStruct does not provide an infinity slot, and RuneScape does not have a TM sign. For these same reasons, the twelve TzHaar numbers are in the first twelve Extended Latin B characters (ƀƁƂƃƄƅƆƇƈƉƊƋ). The font contains all characters which may be said in RuneScape - even though many had to be improvised since they are not actually seen in-game (the only 100% guaranteed accurate characters are '()-0123456789:ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWYabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwz?áãçéêõü). Note that ∞, …, and TzHaar numbers cannot be said in-game, but are still included in this font.
This font is intended for use in RS screenshot faking and RS videos.