i legit did this in an hour ( filler upload )
update: added all english (uppercase and lowercase) letters
normal letters: ACEFGHIJLOPSUZabcdefghijlnopqrstuyz
compromised letters: KMVWXkmvwx
uppercase letters that look like lowercase: BDNQRTY
This font displays each character as a seven segment representation of the binary value of the character according to the GSM 7-bit alphabet. The commercial at (@) has been swapped with the space as I don't know how I could have a blank character that isn't space. I put the escape character in place of the reverse solidus (\), and I put the carriage return and line feed characters in the place of the left and right square brackets respectively, as these characters are not represented in fonts.
This is a cloneABOUT THE FONT
7 Segment Display is a Font using only 7 Segments that can turn off or on independently to display number, letters, symbols and more, but some characters are compermised!
This is only 1 of 4 variants of the 7 Segment Display font lineup:
- 7 Segment Display
- 7 Segment Display (Lowercase)
- 7 Segment Display (Full Lines)
- 7 Segment Display (Lowercase + Full Lines)
7 Segment Diplay is the default variant, having no connetcion between Segments, other that the rounding (exept some characters)
This is a limited font, which has very few characters. This is based off of a 7 segment LCD display, and has a design that follows a format, unlike the other "7 segment display" fonts. Since this doesn't alter the design at all, it looks authentic and probably would work in an LCD. This is best used in all caps, but will work in lowercase.
WARNING: Does not have all the letters!!!
Faithful to original minsweeper's numbers. Intended for 7 segment displays. Mostly useful for numbers, but I included a few letters just in case. Some letters (like m) are not really possible, so not all letters are there. I may make a 12 segment display in the future for better letter support, if anyone actually cares.