Pixel lover! Start in late 82 when my dad bought me a C64 when I was 12. C64 came with only one font, so you've to create yours.
Live in Montreal, passionate of calligraphy, typography and photography, fill up all my spare time. Sketching and doodling fonts for the last 20 years, start with Fontlab only 2 years ago and more seriouly in FS begining of 2010.
Published: 7th February, 2014
Last edited: 21st October, 2022
Created: 24th January, 2014
Blackletter with a fat inline.
A mix of traditional blackletter glyph, exploration and grid compromise.
I'll complete the missing numbers and hopefully all diacritics.
This is a clone
Published: 12th June, 2013
Last edited: 16th September, 2013
Created: 5th June, 2013
Very rough Script.
Vertical design with 45degres connection. Each individual glyph are unsightly but combine in words it has its charm.
Use Uppercase for the first letter of each word
All lowercase are connected.
Published: 21st August, 2010
Last edited: 21st April, 2011
Created: 17th August, 2010
variation on a theme.
Everything star with characters d and g witch are a remodel or a variation of the fonstruct logo font.
I wanted it readable without the white stripes witch permit me to add smoothness inside the glyph
I did'nt went trought all FS searching if an another font like this one already exist, I think no. If you find one, tell me.
I still have to play with diatrics, not quite happy yet.
Voilà! as always be welcome with constructive crits.
I've to do something with the 3, my brain is dead for now
Congrats to pauldhunt witch made a great job with Structurosa. Before creating this font I especially did'nt want to look at his fonts for not interfered with the concept I had in my head. One exception,the x witch I had no good idea so I took it from him. Merci Paul.
Published: 16th October, 2010
Last edited: 27th October, 2010
Created: 3rd October, 2010
a 2x2 brick size font./////////////////
I had fun playing around with this font, espacialy small details which are hardly noticeable: diatrics, odd lenght angles, compromise the design itself of a glyph with kerning and aspect ration with the rest of the alphabet. well fell free to spot me anything non-harmonized.
2x2 brick size VS 67.5° angles... I create bricks which can overlape the regular one on half of it... so it offer the possibilities to make odd size angle glyphs like v y, etc. Dont' know if somebody else did it before there is so many fonts now in FS, so it's hard top follow everything.This is a clone
Published: 22nd November, 2014
Last edited: 2nd December, 2014
Created: 4th November, 2014
This is an false pixel font in 3d with a right lateral light. This is the first thing come to my mind when thinking of retro gaming.
took me more time than I expect, so I only push one font for the Gamecomp.
Published: 12th March, 2010
Last edited: 12th March, 2010
Created: 12th March, 2010
No respect at all of any conventionnal font design: no ascender, no descender, monospace, monoheight, interior slab.
The main focus was to create a readable font and been totaly free of any standard design restriction.
This is a clone
Published: 18th March, 2011
Last edited: 24th January, 2012
Created: 31st May, 2010
Unbalance fat slab...
I create this font last year, and I just add numbers yesterday, so here it come with all it's imperfection.
Published: 24th April, 2011
Last edited: 26th April, 2011
Created: 5th April, 2011
a 2x1 grid font. average contrast. Steem with oblique top This is a clone
Published: 4th September, 2010
Last edited: 4th September, 2010
Created: 3rd September, 2010
Playing around with the new bricks.
Came out from the idea of having an inverse video font.
The roundness of the new bricks are cool to explore. More glyph to come.
Some glyphs are weaker: 1 I T
of course suggestions and crits are welcome...