Currently supports most Casio Calculator characters, All Casio Pocket Computer characters, All HP Calculator characters, All Sharp Pocket Computer characters, All Texas Instruments Calcuator characters, All of Codepage 437, HP Roman-8, and all of Basic Latin and Latin-1 Supplement. (+ a lot of extras).
Also supports Greek Polytonics, Extended Latin, Old Church Slavonic, IPA characters, other phonetic characters, a great variety of math symbols, Glagolitic, Coptic, Armenian, and all Georgian forms.
See also Casio-inspired Graphics;
and Casio-inspired Small:
Inspired by Briem Script.
I am very proud and happy that I have been awarded a staff pick starfish. ⭐️
Arabic is basic, only Arabic, Urdu and Persian are supported. Alternate samvat forms for 2, 3, and 5 digit years are in PUA. If you wanna remove the notch in U+16AEC, then use U+E000.
Only lowercase Georgian mkhedruli is supported.
My ratings dropped from 9.10 to 8.57??? omg these trolls are ANNOYING
( it is 8.78 now so yay :) )
@AFontAbove No, this is Patrick.