This font has several alternate glyphs to VHS Gothic.
This is a clone of VHS GothicA replication of the Panasonic Omnivision VCR bitmap.
I do have a VCR with this font as its bitmap, which is a Panasonic PV-V4520 HiFi Stereo VCR, however some other Quasar and Panasonic VCRs/TV-VCR combos did have a bitmap exactly like this font.
This font is not entirely accurate. Please point out errors so I can fix them in the forseeing future.
This is a clone of VCRStereoCyr(Credit to Paradigm The Great for the original typeface.)
This font is pretty much of a mixture of a few sources, including various VCR on screen displays, Teletext bulletins (mainly Ceefax), and the Trilithic EASyPLUS, which encodes/decodes broadcasts of the United States Emergency Alert System. As of now, this font is comprised primarily with Basic Latin characters, as well as a few extra accents and glyphs.
I have also created bold and alternate variants for this font:
This is a clone of CHARGEN '92You can download this font and use it for EPG's, Closed Captions, Subtitles, and much more!
This is a clone of EPG BulletinThe follow up to the Mono version so that you have something for better looking menus and stuff.
This is a clone of Custom 480p Font MonoThe CEEFAX Bulletin consists of uppercase letters only.
Throughout early March 1998, in the UK, many CEEFAX pages have been updated, but in the US, when they show more pages, it recovers the same teletext style as mentioned in the UK.