The full set of Tengwar, created by J.R.R. Tolkien, also including a select set of punctuation marks and numerals 0 to 9. Note that many symbols do not corespond with their latin equivalent on the keyboard. Also note that, in order to write vowles separately, one has to use vowle carriers.
a/A = Tehtar A top/bottom
c/C = Calma/Anga
d/D Thule/Anto
e/E = Tehtar E top/bottom
f/F = Formen/Ampa
h/H = Hyarnen/Hwesta sindarinwa
i/I = Tehtar I top/bottom
j/J = Yanta/Ure
k/K = Quesse/Ungwe
l/L = Lambe/Alda
m/M = Malta/Ngwalme
n/N = Numen/Ngoldo
o/O = Tehtar O top/bottom
p/P = Parma/Umbar
q/Q = Silme nuquerna/Aze nuquerna
r/R = Romen/Arda
s/S = Silme/Aze
t/T = Tinco/Ando
u/U = Tehtar U top/bottom
v/V = Osse/Halla
w/W = Vala/Vilya
x/X = Hwesta/Unque
y/Y = Anna/Ore
z/Z = Harma/Anca
-/_ = Telco/Ara