I adapted the Khuzdûl alphabet to the Basic Latim keyboard, but because of the different rune (some of the same sound), some could not be placed correctly. so here are the adaptations c = ch, q = kw, x = ow, A = á (aa),B = mb, C = sh, D = dh, E = é (ee), F = gw, G = gh, H = -h, J = ghw, K = kh, L = (*?), M = nw, O = ó (oo), P = ps, Q = khw, T = th, U = û, W = hw, X = ks, Y = hy, Z = zh, 1 = e, 2 = u, 3 = ö, 4 = ŋ (velar nasal), 5 = ts, 6 = g, 7 = gh, 8 = nd, 9 = ng. this link should help you http://www.google.com.br/imgres?um=1&sa=N&hl=pt-BR&biw=1440&bih=762&tbm=isch&tbnid=ySQenc2rYXZ6ZM:&imgrefurl=http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/Khuzdul&docid=f8zx68pZG3deCM&imgurl=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070526150260/lotr/images/7/7f/Khuzdul.gif&w=342&h=292&ei=8-77Ufa0FIXK9gTg44GQDQ&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:2,s:0,i:85&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=180&tbnw=225&start=0&ndsp=25&tx=147&ty=108#imgdii=ySQenc2rYXZ6ZM%3A%3BAB8egcSoRx2cKM%3BySQenc2rYXZ6ZM%3A