An unconventional way to construct 5x5 pixel-based font using nudging facility to give an effect of distortion. Aaand yes, it's readable at pixel size.
Published: 28th October, 2014
Last edited: 4th November, 2014
Created: 23rd October, 2014
This is my first attempt at using Fontstruct, my aim was to create a typeface representing the word 'Fluid'. I played around with some ideas by looking at how reflections and water held in a bottle can distort something's appearance, looking at the nature of running water and rain drops run down windows. I noticed how randomly liquids can move in an open space and how there really are no repeated patterns in its movement if you look closely. To get my final outcome I tried writing out the alphabet with nail varnish and glue which gave a really blotchy effect and sometimes gaps in the letter, which I then combined with the nature of rain drops running down windows to get a really wobbly letter form.
Published: 8th December, 2012
Last edited: 9th December, 2012
Created: 8th December, 2012
This one is dedicated to, and inspired by, AFT. Also dedicated to Ssaamm and Nazlfrag who inspired AFT. :)
And yes, the w in my avatar comes from this.
Published: 27th January, 2010
Last edited: 27th January, 2010
Created: 27th January, 2010
How do I calibrate this thing?
works best if you download it and see it in notepadThis is a clone of distort