EPOCH - Modern light-weight geometric display sans
───── 「 MEASURES 」
(in grid units)
X-Height: 1
Cap-Height: 2
Descent: 1
Optical Corrections: None
Stroke: 1/8 th
4-Em / 0.125 : 1-Stroke (0.125 ≍ 1/8 th)
― No filters used.
───── 「 SUMMARY 」
This is yet another deep dive into the very small and tiny quantum realm of FontStruct's small grid and light-weight stokes.
Unlike some of my previous endeavours into this dark corner of the FS-editor, which could have dizzying complexity in forms, this project for once didn't stress the sh....*t out of me by stretching the limits for my capabilities beyond what is still comfortable this time. Nor did it drain every last frigging bit of my knowledge or clever creative insight to pull it off.
On the contrary,
For once it remained largely a pretty straight forward and easy project in terms of forms and geometry. The absence for most of the 'bar-raising' features such as diagonal forms, rounded, transitions or stroke modulation made this 'FontStruction' that much more easy.
And when metaphorically breaking it down to the bare naked form and necessities, this design mainly consist of FS's (default)-brick set, resized modifications of those, combined with a set of stacked composites.
There a still a number of things I'd rather seen differently, and will see later attempts at making improvement, but taken in a broad perspective most of the included material so far look pretty fine to me already. And to point out one of the things that is still bugging actually are the 'accented' letters.
Some glyphs have odd values for their 'character'-width, and this makes it impossible to achieve 'grid to em-square'-bounding box allignement in FS's editor. So accents in these asymmetrical values look slightly ofset.
― "Changing character widths to nearest even value is simply far too destructive to the stylish characteristics of the fonts appearance"
───── 「 ABOUT THE FONT 」
In the end it became a pretty cool looking light-weight geometric modernist sans-serif style that at the same time has strong hints of Art-Deco-style lettering as well.
And apart from the minor things it fell short with, I think there is a lot about its overall character-set design and forms that is looking pretty darn rad actually if you ask me.
Content-wise the font is a single case design in a 'all-caps' or Majuscule style. The (Lc)-string was kept empty for deliberately for the technical reason of preserving all the (default)-blank metrics data for any further design updates.
───── 「 WHATS INSIDE 」
A little bit of everything...
■ Body text formatting:
□ Basic-Latin based character set with accented letters & numerals
□ Most punctuation marks
□ Numerous symbols
■ Decorative formatting
□ Pictorial attributes
□ Repeating patterns
───── 「 THE END 」
Let me know what you think so far,
STF_THUNDERDOME - A tall thin stroked Art Deco typeface.
I tried to create pretty simple, elegant but somewhat wonky geometric letterforms.
Inspired by the later 70's Art Deco Streamline period.
This remains a WIP, many of the glyphs in the Extended-Latin set aren't reflecting their Basic-Latin counter-parts. The character set remains far from complete for now, and many changes need to be made still.
Kerning done only for a few pairs and overall balance therefor is still quite poor I guess.
Some 'more' detailed but derailed towards the end 'in-depth' recap of this font could be found bellow in the comment section.
Stay tuned for more,
This is a cloneOBLONGUS - Modern light weight monolinear geometric sans
■ Description:
Light weight monolinear geometric sans.
■ Design summary:
One of the most striking features is it's overall well ventilated, light weight and spacious appearence. Some other key features are the glyph's elongated ascenders and descenders. These give the font a somewhat condensed and stretched look. An additional side effect of this is the extra empty vertical space above and bellow a line of text. Contributing even some more to the already ventilated character of the design.
Another key feature are the stylish rounded forms and novel long spurs. I tried to find elegance in it's simplicity, the decorative elements, turns and twists were all done in a very gentle but clearly present manner. All working together these elements give the font a very welcoming, friendly and laid-back vibe. Extra's, such as glyph alternatives will help spicing things up even a bit more.
So, while trying to remain simplistic in nature the font does have some nice stylistic appeal for sure.
■ Tech specs: (measured in square grid units)
Glyphs dimensions: 16 × 8
Weight: 0.125 (1/8th)
Brick size filter: 2 ꞉ 2
■ Font features:
▪ Basic-Latin, punctuation & symbols
▪ Lining & non-lining (oldstyle) numerals
▪ Glyph alternatives
▪ Partial kerning
■ Update history:
▪ [06-24-2022]
Basic font created
▪ [06-24-2022]
Changed lowecase 'w' with a wider version
▪ [06-24-2022]
Made cursive style lowercase 's' & 'tailed z' glyphs as default style
▪ [06-24-2022]
Partial kerning applied
▪ [07-24-2022]
Added multiple sets of numerals styles
- Lining (default style)
- Non-Lining (Oldstyle)
- Double Struck
(Slight different, extra decorative, more leaning towards classic style)
▪ [07-24-2022]
Included random stylistic glyph alternates, special characters & ligatures
- Additional extra characters will follow next update
I hope you like it so far
Numbers and common symbols only to offer a small file size. Great for programming and limited memory devices.
Numbers-Only-5-Slim: five pixels wide, narrow face font
Numbers-Only-5: five pixels wide, bold face font
Numbers-Only-6: six pixels wide, bold face font
Numbers-Only-7: seven pixels wide, bold face font
This is a clone of Numbers-Only-5Numbers and common symbols only to offer a small file size. Great for programming and limited memory devices.
Numbers-Only-5-Slim: five pixels wide, narrow face font
Numbers-Only-5: five pixels wide, bold face font
Numbers-Only-6: six pixels wide, bold face font
Numbers-Only-7: seven pixels wide, bold face font
This is a clone of Numbers-Only-6Numbers and common symbols only to offer a small file size. Great for programming and limited memory devices.
Numbers-Only-5-Slim: five pixels wide, narrow face font
Numbers-Only-5: five pixels wide, bold face font
Numbers-Only-6: six pixels wide, bold face font
Numbers-Only-7: seven pixels wide, bold face font
This is a clone of Numbers-Only-5Numbers and common symbols only to offer a small file size. Great for programming and limited memory devices.
Numbers-Only-5-Slim: five pixels wide, narrow face font
Numbers-Only-5: five pixels wide, bold face font
Numbers-Only-6: six pixels wide, bold face font
Numbers-Only-7: seven pixels wide, bold face font