Published: 28th October, 2012
Last edited: 11th November, 2012
Created: 15th October, 2012
This typeface is based on the theme of "Vibration". From the beginning I wanted to create a unique design, looking at sound I decided to use my voice as the starting point. After recording myself pronouncing the alphabet and uploading it to a sound editor I looked at the different shapes and patterns it created. This was my voice that was unique to me and was the inspiration for the typeface. I then researched fonts and looked at bold, chunky designs which could hold the pattern without taking too much away from the letter form as it was important to me that my design was still legible. I decided to use the corresponding sound with the letter (i.e. the A has my pronunciation of the letter running through it)making it different from anything I have seen before. Please comment and share your opinions. Thank You
Published: 9th November, 2010
Last edited: 9th November, 2010
Created: 5th November, 2010
This typeface has been created based on the theme 'Vibration'. I tried out a wide range of experimentation when it came to producing hand rendered work, as I felt I needed to work out what would best capture the general sense of the word.
I tried using inks on elastic bands, attaching pens to a playstation controller and drawing, photographing food colouring over a speaker; all sorts. Finally, I decided I needed something which really reflected the word clearly. I looked at the white noise and the trails that you get on the television, and applied this feel to a sans serif font I had made based on Georgia (minus the Serifs)
One of the most time comsuming things I've ever done, hope its been worth it.
Any comments welcome.This is a clone
Published: 8th October, 2010
Last edited: 5th November, 2010
Created: 5th October, 2010
This is a font that i have designed and created as part of a project given in the first term of my first year doing Graphic Design at UWE. The initial theme for my project was "Decay" where I researched different types of rotting, erosion and decay of quality in every day objects. I then came to look at crumbling brick walls and developed my font from there. I've tried to show a lack in defined edges and emphasise a crumbled, smudgey typeface. I think it could be used as a relatively playful font,but could have strong impact if used for communicating the idea of decay or decompositon. This is a bold font, meant to be used big! Feel free to comment or discuss !