Published: 25th January, 2012
Last edited: 25th January, 2012
Created: 20th January, 2012
A font for a YouTuber called "LeZirconite", he makes GFX. This is still missing Xs & Ws, and you can still tell me how to make it look better.
Published: 20th January, 2012
Last edited: 20th January, 2012
Created: 20th January, 2012
Clone of LeZirconite. So this is a preview of a font I'm currently making. It's a fanmade font for a YouTuber called LeZirconite, who makes speed arts, he is now a youtube partner, one of the firsts in Finland, so I decided to make him a font. Tell me how to make it better and stuff.This is a clone of LeZirconite