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Recreation of the main pixel font from Nintendo's "The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap" (2004) on the Game Boy Advance.
This is the proportional variant, as used in the game's intro and dialog boxes.
A handful of characters - ™ trade mark sign (U+2122), ♪ eight note (U+266A), ❤ heavy black heart (U+2764), ▶ black right-pointing triangle (U+25B6) - had very subtle antialiasing. In this recreation, it has been removed. The tileset also includes two different sets of double quotation marks (which are not used in the game itself) - the "fatter" ones have been mapped to heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament (U+275D) and heavy double comma quotation mark ornament (U+275E).
This font includes a full set of hiragana and katakana characters, with custom glyphs for characters with a dakuten and handakuten. The game itself also uses a series of complex kanji characters (particularly in the introduction). Some of those characters are also wider than the default 8 pixel tiles. These have not been included in this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
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