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The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by
choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the
designer directly about obtaining a license.
hey fellas.
let me introduce my personal CROSSOVER of "arial" and "times new roman", two of the most famous fonts of western typefaces.
nicely presented in a scetchy pencil drawn quickie style :)
it's just lower case yet, but i wanted to share it.
upper case, numerals and symbols to come. really :)
this is especially tasty in small pixel sizes! thanks for attention!
try it...
i really had fun doing this.
arial and times new roman were indeed very important for me, but i agree with you. i changed that :)
i'll start "drawing" upper case.
darf ich fragen ob du beruflich im bereich typographie tätig bist? deine schriften sind ja ausnahmslos gut und zeugen von viel erfahrung/know-how
I agree
featured fontsrtuction?!?!!
i feel so honoured.
thanks stewf, thx fonstruct team.
i cannot believe it! kix on the index page! :D
i was on a festival this weekend, but as soon as im sober i'll finish this baby.
ich ab mal 4 jahre design studiert. dann hat mich die studiengebühr da raus gekickt!
seitdem jobbe ich alles mögliche. aber ich wünschte ich bekäme die chance irgendwann mal im bereich typo mein geld zu verdienen...
ich liebe buchstaben schon immer.
Typo in jeder form (graffiti, kalligrafie, posterkunst, streetart oder was auch immer)ist einfach mein ding. kannst aber auch gern mal hier reinschaun. enjoy!
@JH34: wtf? ;P
I finished the work on Upper and lower case plus ".".
i actually wanted to add some more symbols and maybe numerals, but it's already TOO big in size. i had several errors downloading this, when it had more characters in it. so i had to erase some glyphs...
the actual size of this is 56,5kb... in comparison geneus1's Arkham Bloodletters is 64,4kb big and it was no problem to download...
i don't get it :P
cheers kix
In regards to file sizes, the Bloodletters font is puny in comparison to ariapenciroman. It's file size is only large because of the complexity of translating intersecting curves and circles into their mathematical equivalents. If ariapenciroman used circles, it would easily be over 100KB.
The Bloodletters gridspace is about 25x15 which covers an area of about 375 bricks per glyph. The ariapenciroman gridspace is about 75x50, which covers an area of about 3,750 bricks! Quite possibly one of the largest fontstructions ever! Whew! I guess we'll have to trust in Rob to expand the Font Generator's brick array once again.
you (intaglio) are impossible to understand for a european. i thought i barely know how to speak "american" english, but you guy are toooooo far out.
so whoever moore is... you did a flaw
Rob Meek created a monster when he made FontStruct. Now he's got all these crazy FontNerds chasing him, gullets demanding more worms. I, among others, created gigantic files that couldn't be saved properly which led to a techy-upgrade, which facilitated even bigger ball-breaking FontStructions as we all set about using FontStruct in ways never originally envisioned, probably.
Hence, a vivid demonstration of enslavement to Moore's Law; hence, Moore's Flaw.
Sorry. Can't help it.
My rating is 10.
You are the winner bro.
thats all the secret :)
@harmonic sonic:
thats the same for the spacebar. logically the space you create with the spacebar is only about 1-3 pixels...
Bin nach wie vor begeistert von deiner Schrift. Das einzige was ich anmerken würde ist, dass die Arial zu Prominent im Titel und der Beschreibung vorkommt. Schliesslich ist Arial nur ein Plagiat der Helvetica und hat so eine schöne Schrift garnicht verdient ;)
wo studierst du?
und zur schrift: das mit der namensgebung und helvetica und so wusste ich noch gar nich :)
schräg... und mit dem namen bin ich eh nich so zufrieden. dachte nich im traum, daß die kleine sau SOOOO einschlägt!
1000 downloads geknackt.. is schon n geiles gefühl. ich glaub ich kann die schrift jetz auf keinen fall umbenennen, aber wenn dann würd ich sie in "precambrian" umtaufen.
so heisst das album von THE OCEAN, daß ich dabei gehört hab.
if it gets too big it won't be downloadable any more.
maybe i do a symbols&numbers set one day...
still, i think this might be a good point to talk about the limits of this application. even though this font looks great in the preview, i'd probably never use it on any print or web design, just because it's pixelated and will never look truly smooth. don't get me wrong: there's no way kix could have done this better - as a fontstruction. and well, the main reason why we're all building our fonts here is (apart from the fact that it's great fun, of course) that we can't handle professional font building software (or well, just can't afford them either...;P). on though i might just soon get crucified as the big enemy of innovation, i think using a huge number of bricks to get somewhere close to a smooth appearence will at the most bring you to a concept scetch of a font that would have to be produced in a vector-based font software to actually be really useable... and then it might just be more efficient to invest the undoubtedly considerable amount of time you put into fontstructing it into learning to work with the real fontdesign software.
but then maybe it just pisses me off to see such a great font and not to be able to print it in poster size...;)
wie dem auch sei, trotzdem eine wunderschöne schrift, und verdientermassen die nummer eins auf dieser seite...:) grüsse aus der schweiz!
"praise the font" :)
don't be so hard on ya. i think some of you fonts seem to be a good start!
just play
Really nice!
I'm lookin' forward for the symbols!
wirklich gelungene typo, besonders die tropfenform bei g, j... gefällt mir sehr. hab versucht, auf dein myspace zu kommen, da seh ich aber auf firefox nur den background, sodass ich nichtmal den addme button finden konnte:)
meins ist:
vielleicht könnten wir ja in zukunft mal zusammn was auf beton typographieren..
schönen abend und grüsse aus hot india.
mein code ist ein wenig strange auf myspace. ist aber alles da. nur halt in die breite und tiefe gezogen... fands irgendwie cool, deswegen auch nie geändert.
das ist aber nur in firefox so. in IE sieht se normal aus.
graffiti mach ich eigentlich nur noch auf papier... das war früher :)
sure you can. just paste the ttf-file you downloaded into WINDOWS' font folder and PS will find it. enjoy!
i LOVE this...must've taken forever! :)
good work
It's wonderful to see how different all the fontstructions are.
I uploaded this to and added this to the fontstruct group, you should join :)
Click here to get to the full size!!!
Connection refused"
I can't download it...
:) :) :)
the downloads on this site seem to all be seriously messed up
Are you aware of the fact that someone called "Ella Fontes" has recently uploaded this masterpiece to If not, you'll probably want to investigate. It is presented as Aria Penci Roman, and the person states that it's his or her first font on that site.
Best regards!
I'll take care of that...
Although the download statistics seem to be available only to a font's "author", you can sort any category by popularity. You should also take a look at the Top 100 fonts, since ariapenciroman is already on this list after only three days, and it's moving up quickly.
Incidentally, a few FontStructors have chosen to offer their fonts at, beginning with funk_king, I think. My first entry was accepted the same day your stolen font was posted there.
I hope you don't have any trouble convincing that you're the actual designer and rightful owner of this magnificent font. They may not know the identity of "Ella Fontes", but this person was required to provide a valid email address in order to register and to submit your font.
Good luck!
Und ehrlich gesagt würde ich an Deiner Stelle mal eine ordentliche Seite bauen mit der Deine Referenzen angemessen präsentiert sind - myspace ist dafür nicht wirklich sinnvoll.
Thanks for free download!
And I feel very happy to use them
You're all welcome :)
I'd looove to see, what all you guys are using it for. This goes out to everyone, who's downloading it.
I wish i had more time for hangin out here. Watch out what's going to come, i got some baaaad unfinished shit going on :P
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Kann ich die Schrift auch für kommerzielle Zwecke nutzen (Website)?
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
Download disabled
Give the Donload free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Just so you know, I love this font.
But you said you were going to add numbers. Are you?
woow really good mix of arial and tmr!!
can you share some tips to me? im still a beginner actually :)
Thanks again... This font was special! It taught me a lot about people, the internet and about licences. it kind of grew over my head... in the beginning this was just fun, but after some weeks it became more and more popular. i really liked that, i was a noob and i didn't know about any other sites about fonts or fontdesign. Even before i was able to add numbers ( back in the days the fontstructor was more limited and the amount of bricks was too high, so it kept collapsing until i erased the numerals) it was downloaded by people, who uploaded it to other fontsites pretending it was their work. It was trolled by haters, who downrated it on purpose. It was critcised, bacause it is only usable for display or screendesign. bla bla bla... If you google it, up to 80 % of the results dont even mention my name. At this point i got tired of fighting against it. For example, APR was downloaded over 200.000 times on uploaded by an asshole called ellafontes. it took me 3 months to stop at least that... One day, when im back into fontdesign a little more, this will be vectorbased, all crafted in a professional fontsoftware, i promise. so... this is mainly the reason, why the download is blocked, why i dont add numerals and ish... And Felicia, i know i sounds hard, but i only got one tip for you! Learn the rules! And then break them... Happy Easter everyone
since i'm still a beginner, can you give me some tips to make a good font like that? this is so awesome!!
My Computer
trash brick on “H”…
You can add numerals and symbols as a seperate font “FS Ariapenciroman 2”
This is one of the best Fontsructions I've ever seen. One new FS you could make is a normal and not pencil version of this font, because each character looks very nice.
Impressive, most impressive!
drolx, what don't you understand?
Madison Alley
@kix (comment from 13 march 2009)
from what font is that feather? i know its weird to ask this 13 years after
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