VHS Mono Display Serif WIP. "i", "l".
This is a clone of VHS Mono DisplayVHS Mono Display WIP
This is a clone of VHS MonoNow I made it a Neue font!
This is a clone of Press PlaySprocket is a display font inspired by the use of old Film stock found in VHS tapes, Cine cameras and Film photo cameras. It contains elements of Origami to create a sense of fluidity and as if some characters were formed from one peice of film stock. I named it Sprocket after the use of sprocket holes on the edges of the font, the holes are used to help keep the frame centered whilst traveling through a camera or tape.
This is my recreation of the pixelated large font used on the Sony Digital Handycam DCR-TRV17, made through carefully copying each character pixel by pixel from pictures of the LCD screen.
As Handycams mainly use all capital letters (minus "InfoLITHIUM"), those are the only letters included. While the letters, numbers, and a couple punctuation were copied correctly, others are either based on existing characters or are from a screenshot of the CCD-TR728E demo on YouTube (for mostly accented characters. The Cyrillic characters won't be included unless a screenshot of the second page of letters is shown).