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The connectors mimic the angle of inclination of the fat pen that scribes these glyphs, giving most of them a slight uptick. This consistent angle (and the high contrast) lands it in the same family of script as Shasta’s classic High Voltage, yet the two remain distinct. Djangogh Unpenned brings a sexy corpulence, curvaceousness paired with kinky inktraps set on an undulating baseline (and surely it is less electric than Shasta’s epic work).
Connection became a major theme upon which to reconsider all the characters. I fine tuned and revised the outer curves and placement of diagonals to ensure dynamic, smooth, and consistent linkages and some lovely auto-ligatures for certain letter pairings.
Please enjoy a private clone to crack open and appreciate my host of new solutions. :)
10/10+fav+download+told all my friends+brain exploded from awesomeness overload
My heartfelt gratitude for all your ability and efforts to hear my thoughts. Is it telepathy, then, or synesthesia? ;)
I love this font
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