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A variant on my ImgWriter font. This time, the characters are white on a black background.
2014.04.15: Small update includes combining diacritic marks; this was done to circumvent a but in some Mac programs where the accented characters wouldn't appear correctly after typing in Option+N then N, for example. I also altered the "A with Ring Above" characters to look more consistent with the original version of the font.
2013.07.16: Slightly changed the appears of the 5 character in the superscript, subscript, and numberform characters.
Update: As was the case with the black-on-white version of this font, the character sets have been expanded. Unfortunately, while this does have superscript and subscript numbers, the fraction slash character wouldn't work as a zero-width character without mucking up any subscript and superscript characters.
Made public on 2010.11.01
Last updated on 2010.05.23
(Dates based on California time)
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